Twitter extends its Safety mode, and tests automatic blocking

After a first deployment in September, Twitter has just extended the functionality of its security mode.

After a highly publicized deployment last September, Twitter seemed to have eased off its Safety Mode, officially intended to improve the safety of users on its platform. Finally, the company announced earlier this week that it was going to extend its beta phase. Instead of the 750 testers currently listed, the device should now extend to half of North American territory (United States and Canada), but also in the United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand, has confirmed at The Verge Tatiana Britt, the company’s spokeswoman.

Twitter wants to anticipate blockages

Another novelty announced by the deployment of Safety Mode, the possibility for the social network toact proactivelyby automatically blocking certain problematic exchanges. “Since the initial rollout of the Safe Mode beta in September, we’ve heard that some people want help identifying unwanted interactions”detailed Tatiana Britt.

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Rather than leaving it up to internet users to block insulting remarks, the new Safety Mode technology “will now proactively identify potentially harmful or unsolicited replies, and prompt beta users to consider enabling safe mode”. Concretely, if it detects a large number of hateful or problematic messages, the social network will be able to block certain content, but above all to suggest that the user activate Safety Mode. An update that, Twitter hopes, “will further reduce the burden of people experiencing unwanted interactions.”

If the Safety mode promised by Twitter will probably never make the platform an oasis of benevolence and kindness, its international deployment sounds like encouraging news, especially for interns.utes most exposed to hate speech, such as minors or public figures. It remains to be seen whether its democratization will make it possible to significantly reduce cyberbullying, even though the platform recently formalized the possibility of replying to a tweet directly via a DM.

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