Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Help in Securing Healthcare Data

Healthcare data is among the most sensitive forms of information there is. It can include everything from personal health information to credit card numbers and Social Security numbers. This data is precious to cybercriminals, and they are constantly trying to find new ways to get their hands on it.

In this article, you will read how artificial intelligence healthcare data security solutions can be used to help secure healthcare data.

What Is Healthcare Data, and How do Entities Share it?

Healthcare data is any information used to digitally identify or describe a patient’s health condition. This can include basic demographic information like name and date of birth and more specific medical data such as diagnosis codes, lab results, and treatment history.

The data is typically stored in electronic health records (EHRs), maintained by hospitals, clinics, and other providers. There has been a push to make healthcare data more accessible and interoperable to be easily shared between different entities within the healthcare industry, in the recent years.

This includes initiatives to standardize data formats and create national databases of patient information. By making healthcare data more accessible and interoperable, providers can make better-informed decisions about patient care. It will also allow patients to have more control over their health information.

However, this also creates new opportunities for cybercriminals to access and misuse healthcare data. Therefore, healthcare organizations need to be proactive about security.

Healthcare and Artificial Intelligence 

There is no doubt that the entirety of the healthcare industry has faced many challenges in recent years. One of the major challenges has been effectively using data to improve patient care. Thankfully, AI data solutions are starting to emerge to help healthcare organizations make better use of their data.

AI data solutions can help healthcare organizations in several ways. They are as follows:

Automation: AI data solutions can help automate the process of collecting and organizing data. This can free up time for doctors and nurses to focus on providing direct patient care.

Identify Patterns: It can also help identify patterns and trends in patient data that would otherwise be difficult to spot. This type of information can improve patient care plans and protocols.

Predict Patient Outcome: Finally, these solutions can help predict patient outcomes and identify potential risks. This information can be used to decide which treatments are most likely to be effective for a particular patient.

How Can AI Help Secure Healthcare Data?

There are many ways that AI healthcare data security solutions can help secure data.

Identify Patterns Indicating Breaches

Artificial intelligence can assist secure healthcare data by identifying patterns in data that may signal a security breach. For example, if many patients’ credit card numbers are suddenly being used in different parts of the world, this could be a sign that someone has stolen this information. AI can also help detect odd patterns of access to EHRs, which might hint that someone is attempting to gain unlawful access to this data.

Predict and Prevent Attacks

Another way that AI can help secure healthcare data is by helping to predict and prevent attacks. Artificial intelligence ensures monitoring for suspicious activity on a network and blocking or flagging any activity that appears to be malicious. For example, if a cybercriminal targets a particular type of healthcare organization, AI can identify this pattern and alert the organization to take steps to protect itself.

Maintain Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

Another way that AI can help secure healthcare data is by helping organizations maintain compliance with regulatory requirements. For example, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) need healthcare businesses to take precautions to ensure the privacy of patient health information. AI can help organizations monitor for HIPAA violations and take action to correct any violations that are found.

How to Choose Reliable AI Solutions?

When choosing AI solutions for healthcare data security, it is crucial to consider a few factors.

There are several ways that AI can help secure healthcare data. It can play a crucial role in protecting this sensitive information by identifying patterns in data, predicting and preventing attacks, detecting anomalies, and maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements.

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