WhatsApp: Complete list of phones that will be without service from November 1

Year after year and even, month after month, the instant messaging application WhatsApp it is updated adding new functions and even fixing some bugs. However, this also generates some consequences, causing some devices to no longer be able to run the application because they no longer have the necessary specifications to continue running the app.

Yes OK, WhatsApp is one of the most used applications in the messaging aspect, recently it has been involved in controversy due to the change in its conditions of use, which generated a stir among users who considered that with this, their personal information, eventually people accepted the change but still, the company decided to go back in applying these changes.

The Smartphones that are going to run out WhatsApp, from November 1, 2021, In other words, they will no longer receive new updates, they are the following.

Cell phones that will run out of WhatsApp

Any device with Android 4.1 or lower

  • Samsung: Galaxy Trend Lite, Galaxy Trend II, Galaxy S3 mini, Galaxy Xcover 2, Galaxy Core and Galaxy Ace 2.
  • ZTE: Grand S Flex, ZTE V956, Grand X Quad V987 and Grand Memo.
  • Sony: Xperia M
  • LG: Lucid 2, Optimus F7, Optimus F5, Optimus L3 II Dual, Optimus F5, Optimus L5 II, Optimus L5 Dual, Optimus L3 II, Optimus L7 II Dual, Optimus L7 II, Optimus F6, Enact, Optimus L4 II Dual, Optimus F3, Optimus L4 II, Optimus L2 II and Optimus F3Q.
  • Huawei: Ascend G740, Ascend Mate and Ascend D2.
  • Other Android Phones: Archos 53 Platinum, HTC Desire 500, Caterpillar Cat B15, Wiko Cink Five, Wiko Darknight, Lenovo A820, UMi X2, Faea F1 and THL W8.

Apple devices

For Apple devices, it will be all those that use a version prior to IOS 10, such is the case of:

  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 6S
  • iPhone 6S Plus

There are other operating systems that will also be affected, these being KaiOS 2.5.2 and the Jio Phone

Finally, it must be remembered that after this date the application on these devices will continue to work until the use of the next update is required, in this case, it will mention that it is necessary to have the most recent version to use WhatsApp and you will not be able to send or receive messages if it is not updated.


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