Why you will never browse fast if you use VPN, you should keep this in mind

A VPN will always limit your speed

When we navigate through a VPN it must be taken into account that the speed decreases. This is so since all our connection will go through an intermediate server. In other words, if you open the RedesZone website, for example, your computer or mobile does not connect directly to the website’s server, but first goes through the VPN server.

That process will make the connection slows down. In addition, the information you send will be encrypted. Basically everything goes through a tunnel. That logically slows down the connection and makes it work slower than if you browse directly on the net, without going through an intermediary first.

You will notice this more or less depending on the use you make of your connection. It is not going to be the same to simply enter a web page, than instead to play online or download files. The more speed you require, the more problems you will have using a VPN. That is why it does not always work well when we want to watch a streaming video in maximum quality or download large files.

Therefore, whenever you install a VPN you should keep in mind that your Internet will not be as fast as if you browse without it. Now, the problem can be more or less pronounced depending on what type of VPN you use. Next we are going to give you some tips so that you know how to choose.

What to take into account to improve the connection

Something fundamental is choosing a good VPN. you will find one lots of options on the Internet, but not all of them work equally well. Those that are free tend to do worse, in addition to having more security problems. For this reason, our advice is to avoid them, although there are free VPNs that work well.

Another key factor is to choose well which server to connect to. It is very common for a VPN to have multiple servers that you will be able to connect to. You should look at the location of those servers. For example, if you are in Spain and want to connect to a VPN, it will work better if you use a server in France or Italy than if you connect to one in Japan or the United States.

You should also check that there is no no programs that are limiting the VPN. Sometimes antivirus or firewalls can act negatively and cause problems. Take a good look at what you have installed and how it could negatively affect you when using these applications.

In short, as you can see, using a VPN can cause problems and affect Internet speed. It is important that you choose a good program, with guarantees, and get the connection to work as well as possible within the limitations that you will always have.

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