You don’t just need a VPN; do this when using your mobile on public networks

When you use a public Wi-Fi network, such as in a shopping center or airport, it is important that you take into account the risk that this entails. They can spy on you and even steal your passwords if you are careless. You don’t really know who may have created that network or who may be connected. To avoid problems, something very interesting is to use a VPN. But that is not enough to have complete protection. Therefore, in this article we are going to explain what you should do to improve security.

Prepare your mobile for use on public Wi-Fi networks

precisely the mobile phones They are the most important to protect when we connect to public networks. We use them everywhere and we also have applications of all kinds installed, such as to enter the bank, social networks, applications such as WhatsApp, etc.

Although use a vpn It is very important in these cases in which you connect to a Wi-Fi that can be dangerous, it is not enough. To be fully protected, it is essential that you take into account other factors that we are going to show you. In this way you will avoid very varied attacks and you will also be protected beyond the case of public networks.

Update the device

Something that cannot be missing to maintain security is having the updated device. In many cases there may be vulnerabilities that cybercriminals exploit. They are failures that endanger privacy, can allow the entry of viruses and ultimately the theft of data and passwords.

It is important to have the latest versions and correct any bugs that may exist. You must apply this both to the mobile operating system itself, as well as to any application you have installed. Always make sure to keep them updated, since connecting to public networks and having an outdated mobile phone makes it even more dangerous.

Install a good antivirus

Another factor to take into account is installing an antivirus. This is what will help you avoid malware that may compromise your security. There are many options, both free and paid. It is always necessary to have one that is guaranteed, that works correctly. Therefore, choose one that has good ratings.

If you connect to a public Wi-Fi network and enter a page whose DNS has been modified, you could download malware by mistake. If you have a good antivirus, it can block that download and automatically delete the file so it doesn’t endanger your mobile device.

don’t make mistakes

But if there is something essential and that cannot be missing, it is the common sense. Avoid making mistakes that put your security and privacy at risk. For example, don’t expose your data more than necessary. You should also not install programs from unofficial sources or open links that may be dangerous.

In most computer attacks, cybercriminals are going to need you to make a mistake. If you keep common sense and don’t fall for traps like clone phishing attacks, you will greatly improve your network security.

In short, as you can see, it is important to use a VPN to connect to public Wi-Fi networks. However, it is not the only thing that you should take into account. It is equally essential to use a good antivirus, keep everything updated and avoid making mistakes that could expose your personal data.

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