Keep in mind that, sometimes, just by making a few adjustments you can notice significant savings. You can see that consumption decreases and in this way you will pay less each month. You will be able to see that you continue using the devices normally, but spending less electricity each time you use them.
Save light at home
You may be wondering if you can pay less on the electricity bill. The truth is that, in the vast majority of cases, there will always be something you can do to reduce spending. Depending on your situation, you may have more or less margin to reach that goal of paying less each month.
phantom consumption
A first step that you can take to save on your electricity bill is to control ghost consumption very well. This is essential, since in many cases it represents 10% of the total bill. It’s basically everything you keep connected to, even when you’re not using it. A clear example is television. The red LED that stays on is something that will always be consuming.
What you should do is disconnect as much as possible. Turn off the television completely, disconnect appliances that you do not use, chargers, etc. All of this will add up, to a greater or lesser extent, to achieve a decrease in energy consumption each month.
The way of using household appliances
you should also control household appliances, especially those with the highest consumption, and the way of use. For example, you must activate the Eco mode of the dishwasher or washing machine. This will allow you to save electricity when you use these common devices, since they work in a more optimized way.
Normally, home appliances have different levels. It is true that sometimes you will have to set them to the maximum, but in most cases it is enough to set a lower level. This will undoubtedly help you to consume less electricity and be able to better control your spending each month.
Appliance maintenance
Another key factor is keeping good condition the devices. This is critical, as having an appliance that has problems, overheats, or isn’t working properly can cause you to need to use more electricity. That will inevitably be reflected on the invoice.
For example, you should prevent the freezer from accumulating ice. That would cause a considerable increase in consumption. Nor should you allow the oven to create dirt, the air conditioner to have dirty filters, etc. Therefore, it is convenient to have a good maintenance of the devices.
contracted rate
Choosing the electricity rate you have contracted very well is essential to avoid having problems. Here you will find a very wide range, and it is that there are rates for all types of people. You can opt for one that has time discrimination, another in which you always pay the same, have certain hours even free, etc.
Our advice is that you carefully review the rate you have contracted, find out exactly how much you are paying, and analyze your consumption and needs. Are you interested in what you have contracted or, on the contrary, could you use a change and start paying less?
Regarding the temperature at home, we can say that it is something that you must control very well. You shouldn’t go wrong here, as every degree counts. In summer, the ideal is to put the air between 24 and 26 degrees. Don’t set it to 19 or 20, for example, since you don’t really need it and you’ll be consuming more electricity.
On the other hand, in winter it is best to keep the temperature at around 20 degrees. Even a few degrees less. Each degree can make you spend or save over 7% and that applies to both air conditioning and heating.
Therefore, as you can see, you can follow these tips that we have given to better control the cost of electricity at home. It will help you avoid overpaying each month and gain greater control over the use of household appliances. Especially, it is key to control those who spend more.