5 tips to avoid problems and attacks by email

How to avoid email security risks

A simple e-mail can be the gateway for many varieties of malware. They can sneak attachments that are actually viruses, Phishing attacks and other problems that we can suffer. Now, if we maintain security and do not make mistakes, we can be protected at all times.

Do not open questionable links

The first tip is do not open links that could be a security problem. A link can be used by cybercriminals to launch phishing attacks. Basically they will pretend to be a legitimate page, such as a Facebook-type social network, but when entering and entering the data we are actually sending it to a server controlled by the attacker. In this way we would be exposing the username and password.

Therefore, it is important not to click on links that may be a problem. We must know at all times if that link is safe or not. There are services to analyze links online. This will help you determine if it really is a threat or can be trusted.

Beware of attachments

You should also be careful with attached files. A simple text document or image could be used to steal your passwords or sneak some kind of malicious software into the system. It is essential not to open any file whose source is not reliable and we do not know 100% if it is safe.

You can always choose to scan the documents with a good antivirus. This will alert you in case you have downloaded a virus and remove it before it actually runs and puts your security and privacy at risk.

Never reply to an unknown email

But security risks don’t just come from downloading a file or clicking on a link; even for something as simple as answering an email you can have problems that will expose your personal data. This information has great value on the network and can be used to sell it to third parties or launch more personal Phishing attacks.

If you receive an e-mail where they ask you for certain information or simply answer, do not do it if you do not know the source. It can be a trap and that they only have the intention of knowing whether or not there is a physical user behind that email.

Always protect your account

Of course, another important point to avoid security problems with email is to protect your account. This is essential to avoid intruders who can impersonate your identity or launch attacks that compromise your privacy. You must always keep the account perfectly protected.

How can you do it? Something essential is use a good password. That access key must have letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and other special symbols. You should never use words or digits that can relate to you and always make it totally random.

Keep your devices secure

Another essential point is to have the protected equipment. Use a good antivirus. This will help you avoid problems and always scan for possible threats that may be affecting your computer. An example is Windows Defender, but there are many more options available, both free and paid.

Likewise, having the system updated will help you correct vulnerabilities and ensure that e-mail and any other service are protected. Always install all the patches that are available to avoid problems.

Ultimately, these questions will help you ensure that your email is protected and not have problems. You must maintain common sense, avoid making mistakes, have good security programs and always update everything correctly.

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