7 tricks to sell quickly and for more money on Wallapop: the fourth is key

We have the possibility of using this solution both from our mobile device and from the desktop computer. All we have to do is download the corresponding app for Android or iOS on our mobile, or use the web version from the corresponding browser. Here we only have to create a user account to be able to sell what we do not want to have at home. We will also have the possibility of consulting all those products that other users have made available to the rest of Potential customers.

But as is usual in many commercial uses, we can also use certain tricks or methods in order to sell earlier and better. Next, we will talk about some methods and tricks to sell quickly and earn more money in this application, Wallapop.

Be clear in the title of the ad

One of the most important elements of any ad is the title, since many users will only notice it. Here we must be clear and concise about the product we are selling and also to serve as a keyword in the searches carried out by potential buyers. Avoid misspellings or writing errors.

Explore the price of other similar products

It is important to do an analysis of the market before placing the ad and thus know the price of other Similar products advertised on Wallapop. In this way we make sure that it is neither too expensive nor too cheap. This is something that does not interest us in either case.

Describe the item and emphasize its virtues

Do not make trivial product descriptions, the buyer is interested in knowing the virtues of that element that we are selling, as well as the possible defects that it has. It is always better to be honest and direct in this regard so that the agreement is not broken at the last moment, something that neither party wants.

Take special interest when taking the photos, very important

Perhaps more important than the owner of the product that we are going to sell or the description of the same, be the photos. That is why when it comes to selling before and getting more money, it is essential that we take good photos. By this we mean that it is always advisable to spend a little more time taking good photos and enhancing the details important in some of them. Sometimes buyers are the first and even the only thing they look at, images of the product; and of course its price.

Initially increase the price to haggle

Speaking of the price, once we have done the market study about similar products, in Wallapop it is advisable to raise the same a little at first. All this so that we have a certain margin when haggling with the possible buyer. Later we will always have time to lower it a bit.

Re-upload the product from time to time

In the event that you see that some time has passed, for example, several weeks, and we have not been able to sell that product on Wallapop, it is best to renew it. One of the best options that we can use in this regard is to delete it and upload it again. That is precisely why it is advisable to save both the photos and the text and thus upload them in a matter of seconds.

Respond politely to potential buyers

It is also important to be polite and respond reasonably to potential buyers who ask us questions or request additional information. This is a factor that the potential client can take into consideration when choosing our product or another similar one that they have found on the platform. If the reply is not on the same line and we deem it inappropriate, I just ignore that user.

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