AI in cars and intelligent assistants are a priority for Spaniards, according to ONTSI

The development of Artificial Intelligence in the areas of daily life has been the subject of study, in the report prepared by the National Observatory of Technology and Society (ONTSI), in its second wave.

Specifically, the interest of the public in having this technology included in virtual assistants, cars, as a prescriber of digital purchase or the medical field, being in the first two cases where its use generates greater interest in the majority of the population surveyed.

artificial intelligence in cars

The development of applications AI in vehicles arouses the highest interest rate among the population. The 55% of citizens have a lot or quite a bit of interest in their progress in this area, while 17% find it little interesting.

Smart driving also interests the people surveyed, especially those between the ages of 25 and 34, where the average interest is almost 7, the highest among all segments and all possible AI developments.

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When assessing perceived safety, 67% of the population surveyed consider that the incorporation of this type of application in cars does not pose a danger to the occupants of the vehicle, nor to the rest of the vehicles or pedestrians. Although it highlights that the average perception of security is five, a much lower score than the interest it arouses.

Artificial intelligence in smart assistants

As for intelligent assistants, 51% of the population surveyed show a lot or quite a lot of interest in the development of AI in this area and only 17% do not seem to benefit from it. possibility of using a virtual assistant with artificial intelligence.

The average interest of the population for the introduction of AI in virtual assistants is more than six. This score is very similar in all population age segments.

Artificial intelligence as a prescriber of digital purchase

The interest in the use of artificial intelligence as a prescriber of purchase and consumption of digital content is the lowest among all the elements analyzed: 29% of citizens consider it interesting compared to 33% who value it as not interesting at all.

People between the ages of 25 and 34 are the ones who show the greatest interest (more than five out of 10), a number that decreases as the age of the person increases.

Probably, this low interest is related to the mistrust that the use of prescribing devices that use artificial intelligence generates among the population. 37% have a low level of trust while only 6% trust artificial intelligence as a digital prescriber.

Artificial intelligence in the medical field

41% of those surveyed are in favor of the application of AI in the medical field. The population under 35 years of age is the one that is most favorable to its implementation, since they consider that it would be something very or quite interesting for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients. On the contrary, 26% of citizens are not very supportive of implementing AI in medicine.

The application of this type of technology in the medical field does not generate much trust among citizens, since 31% show their distrust with an average score that does not exceed the pass mark.

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