It seems that the combat has come to an end. After much battling, the Court of Appeals has ruled that there is a clear winner in this antitrust battle. Justice agrees with Apple against Epic Games. It seems that the discussion about whether or not being able to sell the game outside of the App Store was legal has already reached its peak. Epic Games has not had sufficient legal support to put a company on the ropes Apple coming out stronger from this battle.

This sentence is very important because many companies were waiting for the final resolution on this matter, in which Epic Games brought to justice an Apple that believed that the rules were there for everyone to comply with. It was not a matter of monopoly, at least that’s what those with the bitten apple thought, but Epic wanted to take the litigation to their land and incidentally take a few companies that were attacking Apple for the same reason. Even the US Congress was considering whether to penalize Apple. However, justice has made it clear that Apple’s way of acting has been correct. A resounding victory.

The United States Circuit of Appeals has upheld the decision first handed down in November 2021, which found that Apple was not exercising a monopoly under federal or state law. Apple called today’s ruling a “resounding victory in this case”, according to statements to specialized media. He has even taken the opportunity to recall the benefits that the existence of the App Store brings to developers.

Now, we have to remember that the impossibility on the part of Apple to prohibit users from going to third-party payments.