Are you a soccer lover? Here’s a metaverse you’ll love

A clear example of all this can be found in the importance that virtual reality and augmented reality are gradually having in the growth of the aforementioned metaverse. It is true that we are at the beginning of all this, but some very interesting proposals are already appearing that some of you will surely love.

In this sense, perhaps the best known is the one proposed by the creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, a metaverse that he already told us about a few months ago. But in parallel, there are many companies that are creating their own virtual worlds of this type to grow over time. In this particular case we are going to talk about an interesting proposal that will surely be very interesting for all those who want to delve into this concept and are also soccer lovers.

Specifically, we are referring to a virtual platform now that we can currently access whose use is focused on the king of sports. We refer to the metaverse known as MetaSoccer and that you may be interested in knowing from now on. To begin with, we will tell you that it is the first game focused on football that offers us a metaverse own to interact virtually with other players. All this can combine our interest in the virtual technology that is upon us, and our passion for this sport.

What does MetaSoccer offer us to enter its metaverse

And that’s not all, since this online platform It also allows us to earn money if we wish, as is the case with other similar metaverses. Also, it is worth knowing that this virtual world focused on football has the endorsement and support of some real professional players. As you can imagine, we are facing a virtual soccer game that initially allows us to create our own custom team.

Obviously from the first steps, the main objective that we are going to seek here is to create a team that is as competitive as possible. As we mentioned before, we have the possibility of earn real money if we know how to manage the football club we have created well. Also, we are going to mention that this platform works on the Polygon network using the MATIC token. Of course, in order to benefit from all this we need to register in MetaSoccer to later associate some own cryptocurrency portfolio.

From there we can start to form our team and play games of different levels. The higher the level of this, the chances of get benefits superiors obviously increase. Another point that we must take into consideration here is that the both initial and subsequent signing of players, it has a cost. If you consider yourself a soccer expert trained to manage your own team, this metaverse will allow you to earn money based on all this.

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