Are you hesitating between the MacBook Air or the MacBook Pro? Here are the keys

When buying one of Apple’s laptops, there are many users who have great doubts about whether to buy the MacBook Air or the MacBook Pro because the benefits of some of their models are really similar or because, definitely, they are not. They are very clear about the reason for the existence of these two ranges of computers. Well, in this post we help you solve all your doubts.

The key is power

Despite the differences that exist physically and that are very appreciableThe big key between the MacBook Air M2 and the MacBook Pro M2 Pro and M2 Max is power, specifically the processor that each of the laptops have. The MacBook Air has the M2 insideIn fact, this team was the first to use this chip. For his part, 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pros can be configured with the M2 Pro and M2 Max recently released.

Now, what does the presence of these processors imply? Well, the reality is that although all three are capable of delivering a really good experienceIt is true that the M2 Pro and M2 Max obviously give the MacBook Pro a much higher performance, being able to move tasks or processes that require much more power. Now, you have to take into account if you really need so much power to have to buy one of these two devices, since the MacBook Air M2 also offers many possibilities.

In fact, something that some users do not take into account is that sometimes it is much better to bet on a MacBook Air M2 that has more storage and more RAM not for a MacBook Pro M2 Pro that has less storage and less RAM. Therefore, you have to keep in mind what your needs are and, based on this, decide which of the two MacBook models is most suitable for you.

Other points to keep in mind

In addition to power, there are other points that you also have to take into account, although we emphasize that this is undoubtedly the most important. The first of them is him Screen size with which you need to work and the portability of the equipment itself. Obviously if you need a large screen, the only option, at the moment, is the 16-inch MacBook Pro, since neither the 14-inch Pro nor the 13-inch Air will give you that size you need. Now, you have to keep in mind that with this team portability It is not such a prominent point, so if you want to have a light and easy-to-carry computer, the MacBook Air is surely the most appropriate option, with the 14-inch MacBook Pro staying in between the two.

Definitely, the macbook air It is designed for those users who need power and performance, but not to the point of being professionals in video editing, photography or other tasks that require power in abundance, which they do offer. the MacBook Pros. That does not mean that this equipment cannot be used for such actions, simply that the M2 Pro and M2 Max will offer you better performance.

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