Avoid error 0x80070643 when updating Windows

These are, therefore, the main causes for which the error 0x80070643 appears. As you can see, it usually happens due to a problem at the software level and corrupt files. After having installed some program, after an update or even some malicious software that has infected Windows.

How to fix the problem

After explaining what are the main reasons why the error 0x80070643 appears, we are going to show some steps with which we can fix it. You will see that there are different methods depending on the cause of the problem that may have appeared when updating Windows to a new version.

Find corrupt files

The first thing you can do is check for any corrupted files in Windows. It is one of the reasons why this problem appears and you can easily solve it. You just have to follow a series of steps that we are going to explain and, without installing anything additional, you will be able to scan for files that may be causing errors.

To do this you have to go to Home and enter the windows terminal. It is important that you access with Administrator permissions, so you have to right-click and open it so that you can make the necessary changes to the system. Once there you have to execute the following command:

What this command does is scan the system for possible corrupt files. For example, a previous update that did not finish, if the computer was suddenly turned off while it was reading certain files, etc. Once the process is finished, it will repair those possible damaged files. You have to restart the computer and give Windows update again and check if this way the error 0x80070643 no longer appears.

Restart Windows Installer

Another option available to you is to restart the Windows installer. It may be stuck or not working properly for some reason. It is another very simple step that you can take and you will not have to install anything on the computer for it to work correctly.

This time you have to go to Start again but you enter Services. When you are there you have to search Windows Installer. A long list with multiple services will appear and you select the one we mentioned, right-click and hit Restart. The process will restart and you can start the update process again and see if the problem is fixed.

Scan for malware

This problem could also be caused by some virus, so you should scan the system for malware. For this you can use some antivirus, such as Windows Defender itself, which is integrated with Microsoft systems, or any other program that you see with guarantees, such as Avast or Bitdefender. This will help you detect any threats that may be present and remove them.

It is always advisable to have this type of program to be protected and not have security problems. It is something that must be applied to any operating system and device. There are many options, but you should always choose one that you see works correctly, has a good reputation and is not going to be an added problem.

After you’ve scanned your computer for threats and made sure it’s clean, you’ll need to go back through the Windows update process again. If some malware was the cause and the antivirus has been able to eliminate it, you will be able to update it without major problems.

See if any program interferes

Although having antivirus and security programs is something very positive, the truth is that they could also interfere and be precisely the cause of problems appearing when updating Windows. It can happen with the antivirus, a firewall, VPN… They may be blocking the connection and making it impossible to continue with the update process. For this reason, it is essential to always choose a good antivirus, which is guaranteed and works well.

However, the same can happen with any other software you have recently installed. In this case you will have to review the installed applications and see if any may be causing problems. You can always uninstall them or at least pause them momentarily until you check if this is the cause or not.

Download or update the .NET Framework

Microsoft .NET Framework it is a very important component for Microsoft applications to work properly in Windows. This also includes the update service, so a problem with this component could mean that we can’t update properly.

This component may be damaged or even out of date. Therefore, what you have to do is go to the Microsoft page and download it. You have to make sure that you are installing the latest version available, as this will help avoid problems when updating Windows, for example. It is important that you always download these types of applications from safe and legitimate sources to avoid any problems.

In short, if you come across the error 0x80070643 when you are going to install Windows updates, the causes can be several. The normal thing is that it is due to some corrupt file or software that is interfering. But it could also happen that there is some malware on the computer. Whatever the reason, you can follow these steps that we have explained to correct the problem and get it working normally again.

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