Can you imagine the promised Silmarillion movie with Henry Cavill as an elf?

Making a movie about the silmarillion is arguably one of the biggest unfulfilled promises in movie history. We have heard rumors about possible projects countless times and yet, to this day, we continue to be orphans of the film adaptation of what, for many, is the JRR Tolkien’s great masterpiece. A fan of the universe of the British writer did not want to wait any longer to see with his eyes something that he has been imagining in his head for years and has used the AI ​​to give us several images as scenes of what could be a real movie about this complex work. And he has to henry cavill as one of its protagonists!

The Silmarillion, the promised story that never makes it to the movies

the silmarillion is a literary work written by JRR Tolkien and published posthumously (in 1977). It is a compendium of stories and myths that are located in the Middle Earththe same world that Tolkien created for The Hobbit and The Lord of the rings. Of course, unlike these works, which focus on the history of the Third Age of Middle-earth, the silmarillion it spans from the creation of the world to the end of the First Age.

Divided into five parts (Ainulindalë, Valaquenta, Quenta Silmarillion, Akallabêth and Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age), it is a dense and certainly complex work, which even requires prior reading of the other books of Tolkien mentioned to understand it in its entirety. Despite this, it is one of the most famous creations of the writer and the favorite literary proposal of many of his followers, who consider that with the silmarillion it reaches the top in terms of literary beauty, depth and fantasy.

With such a base, it is not surprising that on many occasions it has been thought of taking their stories to the movies, however, until now no project has come to fruition, always being relegated to a drawer.

The Silmarillion movie according to the AI

A fan of Middle Earth did not want to wait any longer and has imagined what it would be like the silmarillion (2024), directed by Peter Jackson. For this he has used Midjourney, and has generated several images that could well be taken from scenes of the supposed tape.

For example, above these lines you can see the bucolic hill of Himring, surrounded by forest in the northeast of Beleraid, on which rests the stronghold of Maedros, the eldest of Fëanor’s sons. The recreation of the elves is also amazing – next you have (in order) actress Natalie Dormer as Galadriel; Miranda Kerr in the role of luthien, maiden of Doriath and wife of Beren; and Katie McGrath as aredhel the White, daughter of Fingolfin.

The biggest surprise, of course, has been to see henry cavill in this whole story. It seems that after his foray into The Witcher, people have taken a liking to seeing the actor with armor, a sword and long hair, and in fact his images are among the most commented and celebrated. Cavill would give life to Fëanor, manufacturer of the Silmarils and inventor of the Tengwar script. and creator of the seven Palantír.

Not everything is done well by the AI. In the image below you can see how he has represented the Silmarils. These should be like shiny white diamonds and instead look like the Infinity Stones have been stolen from Thanos’s gauntlet. Even so, there are more than 30 images that you can see on the Abandoned Films Facebook account, with more than 12,000 comments that show that taking this to the movies (and with these actors) could be a very good idea…

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