Problems related to our connection or VPN
At certain times, on occasion, when uploading a file to the cloud or sharing it with other people, the upload may be cut off.
These cuts when sharing files can be very annoying and can sometimes have to do with our Internet connection. One of the most typical is that we are connected by Wi-Fi and we do not have good coverage because we are far from the router. In those cases, a solution can be to connect to the 2.4 GHz band, it is more stable but also slower. Another option could be to approach the router if it is a device that can be moved, and to make it faster to use the 5 GHz band. Here, you have other options that you can look at to solve problems with the Internet connection.
If we have cuts when sharing files in the cloud, one way that could indicate that we have problems is by doing a speed test. This would be an example:
In the event that we find ourselves with very low speeds, the test does not finish or we have a very high ping, it may be a sign that we have problems in our Internet connection.
Another failure that could also cause cuts when sharing files in the cloud would be the use of a slow VPN, this affects the free ones more. It could also be checked with a speed test to verify it. If possible, unless for security reasons they advise against it, the VPN could be disabled to upload that file in the cloud.
The browser as the cause of the failure
On many occasions to upload files to the cloud we use our Internet browser and sometimes it can generate errors. These cuts when sharing files can happen regardless of whether we use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Edge. One of the things we could try would be clear cache and cookies from our browser. This would be an example with Google Chrome.
We could also try to use the incognito mode of our browser. In addition, to avoid cuts when sharing files in the cloud, our browser must have the latest version available installed.
Security tools and applications as the source of the problem
Another thing to be aware of, when there are cuts when sharing files in the files in the cloud, is the antivirus and any other security software that we have installed on our computers. Sometimes they consider that those files that we are uploading to the cloud, for example, from Google Drive, are a threat to our computer. Thus, on many occasions these are false positives that do not constitute a risk for us. Here are some tips to fix errors when uploading files to Google drive.
We also sometimes use our own applications or programs that have the main cloud service providers such as Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive. In these cases, if we use one of these applications in the cloud and we have cuts when sharing files, we can try:
- To close session and enter again by putting our credentials.
- We can try to reinstall or update this application.
In summary, outages when sharing files in the cloud are mainly caused by failures in our Internet connection or in the software we have installed.