Did you know ? Google has a little hidden test to assess your English

Google has slipped a little game into its search engine to test Internet users’ level of English. Here is the procedure to follow to access it.

It is a test that absolutely does not have the value of a TOEIC certification, but it does at least have the merit of being very accessible and fast. Google has developed a small English test exercise, hidden in its search engine, that any Internet user can complete to get an idea of ​​their language level. It is certainly not new – it was found in early 2018 – but not everyone knows it.

Test your English with Google

So it seemed welcome to us to recall its existence, especially since it is enough to have a smartphone with an Internet connection to access it. If you meet this minimum requirement, then all you have to do is go to the home page of the search engine and type in the query ” Google word coach “. The small quiz will appear at the very top of the first page of results.

The test has only five questions and each of them asks you to find the answer between two propositions. The game may ask you for the translation of a particular word (for example: What is the translation of the word operation?) Or you may choose the image that best describes the selected term.

The Google Word Coach utility doesn’t pretend to give you an English lesson, but it’s still a fun little challenge to do. // Source: Screenshot

For each correct answer, you score points and, once you have completed the test, the questionnaire indicates your final mark and an assessment. A correction is also provided by Google for the questions submitted to you, but, oddly, some explanations are provided in English (this is the case by asking for the definition of a word in that language).

The questions are not extremely complex for anyone who remembers even a little from their English lessons at school. Having said that, perhaps you will be surprised by a term that you do not have the opportunity to come across often in your readings in the language of Shakespeare. You can play as many times as you want: each time the game presents five new questions.

It should be noted that access to Google Word Coach seems to be possible only on mobile, via the web browser (like Google Chrome). We wanted to display it via the search engine interface for computers, by typing the correct request, but it did not work, whatever the web browser used, including that of the Mountain View company.

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