Do not install home automation without knowing all this before, or you will make a mistake

Automated houses are increasingly the order of the day. In general, new buildings already have plenty of space for wiring installation, so it is not usually a big problem. Today, with the use of the Wi-Fi connection, all kinds of devices can be installed, so we are not so dependent on wiring. But if we want to raise the level of the devices that we have installed at home, which can take advantage of wired connections, we will have to take into account some issues when preparing the house for home automation.

Prepare your home for home automation

If we think about when it is better to prepare a house for a home automation installation, we will surely come to the conclusion that that moment is when it is built. But in the world of home automation we can prepare ourselves in many ways. Either in construction, in renovation or through purely wireless connections. In any case, the most important thing of all will be to know what we want to install. This is done looking for that we do not have to spend more money than necessary, nor do we have to carry out works after the fact.


In general, home automation devices usually work through Wi-Fi networks, but we will always have options that can be done by cable. In any case, if finally the installation is not for the final device, it can be for the means of communication that interconnects everything in our house.

The first thing that we usually think of when talking about wiring is the corrugated tubes that are installed inside the walls. These are usually between 16 and 18 millimeters in diameter, but for reasons of the amount of wiring, it may be advisable to install the 20-millimeter ones. On the other hand, it is also a very good practice to leave one totally free next to the one that is being used. This undoubtedly entails more spending at the material level, and therefore money. But it will serve us for the future and the facilities that we can add.

cabling system

The cables we use are also very important. From the network cable to the electrical panel must be installed according to everything. Starting with the chosen materials. The network cables must be adequate, and it is advisable to install good quality cabling. On the other hand we will have the category, where we will look for it to last as long as possible without losing efficiency.

On the other hand we have the electrical panel, which will depend a lot on those of us who want to make the systems independent. These may simply be to control electrical flow, or they may have networking functions. This can allow us to isolate systems, such as light, sound, air, among others. Some tips that we can follow are:

  • Install an electrical panel with at least 20 cells, where some remain empty in case the installation grows.
  • Leave a tube free, which reaches the panel, and another where the central point of the home automation system is installed.
  • Install network and electrical connections independently, even when the control is in the same place.

What we are looking for by carrying out pre-installations is that the material used can be controlled with respect to the functionality that it will give us. Well, it is not based on simply duplicating everything installed. On the other hand, it is always good to plan everything so that in the future, it is not necessary to go around rewiring or making changes that may involve some work. The final objective is that if it is necessary to install new devices, the main concern is to choose the correct hardware rather than how we are going to install it.

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