Do you have the fan blades in summer mode? Do this to take advantage of it

What we mentioned is present mainly in the ceiling fans. They will have a button that allows the blades to rotate to one side or the other. This is so since not at all times of the year it is interesting that it works in the same way. It is not the same in the winter months, when the temperature is lower, than in summer, when we want to cool down as much as possible.

Adjust ceiling fan blades

But what exactly does it consist of? In summer, you must put the fan in the mode in which the blades rotate in the counterclockwise direction. With this, what the fan does is move the air downwards, expelling it from top to bottom. In this way, it is possible to have a cooler air breeze.

What happens if you have the ceiling fan in the winter mode? What will happen is that the cold air will be directed upwards, towards the ceiling and later towards the walls and floor. It will not expel air in the center, as it would in summer mode. Therefore, you would not be taking advantage of, in the hottest months, the option of refreshing the room somewhat.

The idea is to be able to lower the hot air that accumulates on the ceiling, in winter. On the other hand, in the summer months what is interesting is the opposite and being able to expel cold air downwards to cool the environment. Therefore, you can choose depending on the time of year that you are and what you need.

Activating one mode or another will depend on the model. On older ceiling fans, you’ll typically have a button or lever. On the other hand, the most current ones may have a remote control with which you can control it.

Consumption of a fan

Keep in mind that the consumption of a fan, either ceiling or floor, is scarce. Especially if we compare it with an air conditioner we can say that the energy consumption is very small. Normally it consumes between 60 and 90Wh. It rarely goes above 100Wh and sometimes you can find them with 40Wh and even 30, if it is small.

For example, a usual 60Wh fan It will suppose a consumption of 600W if we had it turned on for 10 hours. That, taking it to the whole month, would mean 18 kWh. If we put that the cost of each kWh is about €0.16, we would be spending about €3 per month. An air conditioner, if we have it that same time, would consume much more.

In short, as you can see, it is important choose the movement of the fan blades. If you have a standing fan, this will not be a problem and you will not have to change anything. On the other hand, if you have a roof one, it can have a winter or summer mode. If you have a domotized model, you may be interested in having a Mesh system and improving the connection.

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