Do you want to add ShareX to Windows Explorer? This option does

Operating systems of the importance of Microsoft Windows offer us a number of basic functions for a long time that are very important. At first they may seem simple, but their use is almost constant, as is the case, for example, with the screenshot. In fact, there are programs that improve these characteristics, as is the case with ShareX in the case at hand.

Here we refer to certain modes of use or functionalities implemented in the operating system that we do not miss until they fail. Initially, we assume that capture screen content just press a key on the keyboard. But if this feature doesn’t work for whatever reason, that’s when we may realize its importance. This is something that extends to other behaviors of a system like Windows.

It is true that we are talking about simple functions that we use on a day-to-day basis, which is why external developers expand and improve them. For example, Windows It offers us this screen capture mode that we are talking about, but programs like ShareX take it to another level. In case you don’t know it, this is an open source program that offers us a good number of functions related to screenshot. We will have practically all the ways to carry out these tasks, and much more. All this means that, if on any occasion we have been limited with the windows capture functionwe should take a look at this proposal.

At the same time, it presents us with some additional functions of interest in order to improve the experience in the operating system. It also allows us to make videos from everything we do on the computer screen.

Share photos on ShareX from the Windows context menu

For example, these video clips They can be used to carry out courses or tutorials of all kinds. It is true that this is an application that offers us an intuitive user interface that will not be complex at all. In addition, ShareX is constantly running in the background, if we wish, to be able to access the program in the best way. In fact, the program offers us the optional possibility of being included in Windows Explorer.

Specifically, we will have the possibility to add the functionality of the screen capturer to the Microsoft system context menu. This opens up a wide range of possibilities in terms of the usability of this program.

For example, this will allow us to upload to the internet and share content across different platforms directly from this context menu using the mentioned program. We must bear in mind that we work with photographic files almost continuously from our PC.

Therefore, thanks to this addition we will be able to share our own content directly on the Internet through ShareX just by pressing the right mouse button. In fact, the program itself from its configuration options It allows us to specify the platform where we will upload that photographic content among the many available options. This greatly facilitates us to share our images directly once we have captured or edited them with this application.

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