Elon Musk generates more than 100,000 euros a month with his Twitter followers alone

On Twitter, Elon Musk recently shared a screenshot of his account, on which we can see that it has 24.7 subscribers, who therefore each pay him $5 per month. Or more than 100,000 euros monthly, for the second richest man in the world.

Photo credit: fellowneko / 123rf

Recently, Twitter offers its users a subscription system, which allows the most popular accounts to access monetization by asking their most loyal followers to pay them a monthly amount defined by them. Just like on Twitch, this subscription grants access to various benefits, such as exclusive tweets and a dedicated badge when interacting with the followed creator.

Of course, Elon Musk offers his own followers to subscribe to his account for exclusive content. The subscription is $5 per month, which it receives from 24,700 dedicated users. This is indeed what a screenshot shared by the billionaire reveals, precisely to promote this service.

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Elon Musk earns about 80,000 euros a month thanks to his Twitter followers

A quick calculation therefore makes it possible to determine that, with this service alone, Elon Musk generates 123,500 dollars per month, or approximately €112,000. A nice sum, which should still be truncated by a few tens of thousands of euros to obtain the true income of the businessman. Indeed, if the user has subscribed to a smartphone subscription, then the Play Store or the App Store recovers 30% of this amount.

If all subscribers therefore go through their smartphone, Elon Musk actually receives 86,450 dollars per month, or a little more than €78,000, including the commission received by Twitter on these payments. We will agree that it is a certain sum, which however will not make a big difference on the bank account of the second richest man in the world. Not being subscribers to his account ourselves, it is difficult to say what advantage this subscription really brings. However, let’s bet that this sum would probably be more useful to anyone else.

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