For less than 4 euros you have all Apple services for you

Use the Apple One Family Plan

First of all, we want to tell you what exactly Apple One is, and it is that it is a series of subscription packs in which you have the different Apple services included and for which the Cupertino company, by contracting them jointly, You get a discount on each of them. The price rise that we were talking about has affected the company’s most popular services, such as Apple Music, Apple TV + and the different Apple One planssince they all have these two services within their offer.

Well, within all the plans that the Cupertino company has, which are three, the Individualthe Family and the premium, surely the most suitable for the vast majority of users is the Familiar. This has up to 4 of the 5 services that Apple has, such as Apple Music, Apple Arcade, Apple TV+, and iCloud+, in this case with 200 GB of storage space. all of it for 22.95 euros per month to be divided among the members of the family.

This is where the great advantage of this family plan comes from, and it is that within the Apple family, from Cupertino they allow up to 6 different people to join, so if you do the calculations, the 22.95 euros per month that have to be paid jointly by these services go to just over 3.80 euros per month for each member. In exchange for this price you can enjoy all the music you want on Apple Music, the series, movies and documents present on Apple TV+, which are of incredible quality, Apple Arcade games for those moments of boredom and the advantages of iCloud+ with 200 GB of storage to share between the 6 members.

Other advantages

But beware, the fact of forming an Apple family not only gives you the advantage of being able to contract this Apple One plan and pay that tiny amount of money for all those services, but also has other aspects that you have to have very present, since with them you can also save a good amount of money.

One of the functions that Apple has to promote the creation of these families is that in them the members will be able to share paid apps they’ve purchased, both prior to its creation and afterwards. Therefore, if someone in your family has bought an app that you needed or wanted to use but didn’t want to pay for it, now you can download it for free.

Additionally, with iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and macOS Ventura, Apple has also introduced the iCloud Shared Photo Librarywhere members of an Apple family can easily share the photos and videos of their choice without having to AirDrop them or any other traditional means.

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