Google renews its password manager for Chrome, Android and iOS

Google has announced a password manager renewal with which he wants to modernize and simplify the management of access to online accounts both on the computer with Chrome and on the mobile, be it iOS or Android. Although it may not seem like it, the Mountain View giant is concerned about security, despite not being the greatest champion of privacy.

Today password managers are a well-trodden sector with proposals for all tastes, so here we find the usual: creation, saving and auto-completion of passwords. Of course, with Google behind it, synchronization is a feature that is present, and that will surely scare away the most suspicious of privacy.

Password management is not something new within the Google ecosystem, since the company has been incorporating features in this regard over time. With its new manager, the company intends to offer an integrated and consistent framework across Chrome and Android, also supporting Apple’s mobile operating system via Chrome. Apparently some users have complained about the password management between Chrome and Android for being confusing, so Google would have reacted accordingly to develop what concerns us in this post.

In addition to offering a more uniform interface between different devices, Google’s renewed password manager tries to improve the security of online accounts not only warning of those that have been compromised, but also those that are protected with a weak or reused password on Android. Once the user has been notified, they can resolve the problem with the automatic password change function included in the application.

The manager intends to offer simple access that is not a hindrance to the user, so that they are able to save passwords when logging in, autofill them when necessary and ensure that they are not compromised. Added to all this is the ability to add passwords directly from the manager interface. Yes, nothing that has not been seen many times by now.

Apparently the manager for Android is what concentrates the most interesting to have incorporated Touch-to-Login for even faster login and it also does it, according to Google’s words, safely from an overlay that appears at the bottom of the screen.

Accessing the Google password manager is as simple as logging in and going to the corresponding Chrome section on both PC and iOS, while on Android you have to search for the autocomplete service within the System Settings. Here the Android version could condition the availability of the feature.

Cover Image: Pixabay

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