How can reviews help improve the visibility of your business on the Internet?

The online visibility has always been a challenge facing smaller businesses. And it is that capturing the attention of the Internet user is the first step for the conversion into customers. However, the fact of attracting users has become quite a battle for them, at a time so saturated with options.

The Hick’s Law describes the time it takes someone to make a decision regarding the number of choices they have; the more options, the more time you will need to decide on one option or another. It is interesting to apply this law when manage online reputation of a business, that is, empathize with that “paralysis” that a client has to make a decision and actively address it if we want to earn their trust.

How negative feedback affects your sales

The opinions of my business on the Internet can have multiple repercussions. In fact, negative reviews about my product, service, or brand will instantly turn consumers away. Nowadays, users make many purchases online and use the Internet to research a future purchase, comparing brands, ratings, prices and products.

In fact, 9 out of 10 consumers use search engines – especially Google in Spain – to research online before making a transaction. That’s when they find the reviews online, both positive and negative.

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According to the Kaweb agency, the ratings online affects the purchase decisions of more than 67% of consumers. The positive ones are beneficial for the business because they improve reputation, increase your sales and profitability and increase search engine ranking. On the other hand, negative comments they have many detrimental effects for companies and therefore must be addressed.

Benefit from review platforms

In recent years, the so-called reputation marketing It has been penetrating among the smaller businesses. Many companies have finally realized that their online presence is vital to keeping your business alive. They have also found that having online reviews from satisfied customers has many benefits. But how do you start to make a brand tracking by search engines? Here we give you some clues.

  1. Create a Business Profile on Google. The first thing you have to do is create a free Google account. If you already have one, add the name of your business, personalize it with photos and information and complete with hours or describe it in a few words. By publishing it you can already receive reviews from users.
  2. Tips for getting reviews on Google. To start getting feedback, invite your physical customers to search for you online and share their experience. You should also make an online community, opening business profiles on different social networks. Finally, don’t forget to launch an email marketing campaign or send out newsletters to remind your customers about your business and show them your activity to encourage purchase.

rankingCoach makes all these tasks easy for youso that you can focus your time and effort on moving your business forward.

Industry-specific review platforms… What are they for?

The brand tracking through reviews they have created a new field in marketing and communication, bridging the gap between word of mouth traditional and a new virtual form of feedback, which influences consumer opinion. Perhaps you have been collecting customer reviews on your service or product for a while now, and are even responding to comments. You are on the right track. What are the benefits that you will discover with these actions?

  1. You will better understand the needs of users and you will be able to improve your customer service.
  2. You will gain credibility and create an online community.
  3. You will compete in a fairer way and you will be able to increase profit margins.
  4. You will let consumers have a voice and a vote, which translates into more loyalty.
  5. You will improve the classifications of your product or service.
  6. Your own customers will be doing digital marketing for you when they leave positive feedback.

Product review and analysis websites

In addition to Google, to create a Company profile online it is important that you include your brand in the local search directories. Many users tend to prefer proximity commerce and search these platforms for the products and services they need. In addition, these sites also give the opportunity to leave comments and reviews that have a higher purchasing influence potential than others. Some of these platforms with BeeDigital (former Yellow Pages), QDQ, etc.

In the event that you sell products, there are specialized pages that test them and publish very extensive and disaggregated reviews, as well as independent ones. They are especially interesting in the case of electronic devices and work very well in audiovisual format. social networks like TikTok or YouTube They have profiles of influencers, with thousands of followers, who recommend products that they like and have a lot of persuasive power.

The rankingCoach tool has a function of local SEO to facilitate the registration of your business in the main directories of your neighborhood or city. If you already have a profile in some of them, enter the name and address and the rest will appear automatically.

Impact of social media on your visibility

Internet access and different technologies have changed rapidly in the last 20 years, being social networks a key development for this transformation. Furthermore, far from being daunted, the changing pace of digital is accelerating and companies are no strangers to this change. Having a profile on the different fashion social networks and knowing how to manage them well has a direct impact on the business. But, How can we increase this impact?

  1. Share customer reviews on your social networks.
  2. Ask your best customers to rate your company, so you ensure positive reviews.
  3. Respond to online reviews on all platforms. In this way, you provide a responsible image of your brand, willing to listen to everyone and improve customer service.
  4. Respond to negative reviews. Remember that leaving these reviews unanswered is worse than giving a polite response.

How to Solve Customer Issues Publicly on Social Media

Are your customers making negative comments about your company or product on social networks? Do you need a plan to manage these complaints without getting hurt? Respond quickly and appropriately these reviews can help you increase customer loyalty.

admit mistakes is another piece of advice we give in the face of negative reviews. When you publicly apologize and take responsibility for the shortcomings of your brand or product, you prevent the customer from continuing to blame you for that mistake or problem. Of course, when you post this apology, make sure it is genuine, not a cut and paste that may seem false or lack emotion. If you can also provide a solution to the problem, much better.

In cases where, instead of a review, it is a negative conversation in which several users intervene, we advise you to speak one by one, to calm them down individually. If you respond to them all at once, by going into the game, you could escalate an awkward situation.

Lastly, when customers post these types of negative reviews, they usually do so to help them resolve their issue. One way to get it right is by personalizing your responses, rather than doing it automatically. Thus, you are sending them a message that you have taken the time to understand the problem and value their opinion.

There are many aspects of the marketing and reputation process that you must take into account in order for your website to be successful and therefore gain more visibility. If you need help with it, rankingCoach offers a totally free version to control everything that affects your online business. Get your free account here!

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