How much RAM do I need to edit a video?

One of the main premises when choosing one computer or another is the type of use that we are going to make of it. Depending on whether we are going to use it for office automation purposes, to play games, surf the internet, perform design tasks, or edit videos, the equipment configuration could vary significantly. Here come into play elements of the importance of the processor on which the computer will be based, the amount of installed RAM, available graphics card, or hard drives.

It is evident that this configuration that we are going to select will be directly related to the cost of the equipment as a whole. Precisely for this reason we must be careful when it comes to choose these components and be clear about the type of use. For example, along these lines we are going to focus on one of the most demanding operating modes in some cases.

Specifically, we refer to video editing, a type of work that a few years ago was unthinkable for most users, but which has ended up spreading. By this, what we mean is that a large part of the computers sold today are capable of this type of work. Also, software developers for publishing projects try to make things a lot easier for us. But with everything and with it, there are a series of minimum requirements that must be met.

In the same way, it is preferable to have some prior knowledge to obtain the most satisfactory results in this video edition. And it may be the case that we wonder about the amount of RAM memory that we will need when editing a video on our computer.

What is the recommended amount of RAM in video editing

Well, the first thing we should know in this regard is that a multitude of factors come into play here. We are going from the base that we are going to focus on videos that any of us can capture with our current devices. Whether it is a camera or a mobile phone, the truth is that we have the possibility of get high definition videos, even reaching 4K.

It is possible that, if we work with old, low-resolution content of this type, with a PC equipped with four gigabytes of RAM we have enough. But it is also true that in the times that run with this amount we are going to be too limited. We could say that in these times a PC should have a minimum of 8 gigs of RAM for basic video editing. With everything and with it, in most occasions we will work with high quality content, in addition to having other programs running, or loading several of these contents in the program simultaneously.

This is a fairly common way of working today, so it is best to at least have 16 gigs of RAM to avoid problems. Otherwise, the video editing project can become a real ordeal, even completely blocking the computer.

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