How to buy cheap train tickets from iPhone

If you like to travel by train and want to buy cheap tickets, in this post we are going to show you a few applications with which you can save when buying tickets. Luckily, at least in Spain, there are more and more options we have to travel at high speed, without involving a large investment of money. So if you want to find out what they are, this post is for you.

You can buy tickets from all operators thanks to Trainline

Trainline is an application that brings together all the train operators in Spain. From the same application we will be able to buy OUIGO, IRYO, AVE, RENFE and AVLO tickets. In this way, we have at our disposal both high-speed trains and conventional ones. The method to buy tickets is very simple. We just have to go to the Destination Search Engine and enter the origin and arrival.

Once we have entered these data, we have to insert the day and time at which we want to make the journey. With this information completed, we will be shown the different options that we have available. These will change depending on the availability of the operator, and the date and time. But if we really want to buy the cheapest tickets possible, we are also shown the lowest price that is available on that day.

The purchase process is carried out from within the application itself, and the tickets will be saved in a section called My tickets. In addition, we can create a Trainline account, to be able to synchronize all our data between the different devices in which we use the app.

OUIGO cheap train tickets

This application does not group all train operators. But if we are already clear that we want to travel on OUIGO’s cheap high-speed trains, thanks to its official app, we can see in detail all the routes they have established and we can buy the ticketsall within the same app.

Being an exclusive application of the operator, we will have a detailed calendar with the dates in which we can find cheaper tickets, depending on the starting point and the destination. In addition, if we create an account in OUIGO, we will be able to synchronize our tickets on different devices, in addition to having the possibility of saving trips that we want to carry out in the future. OUIGO offers service in Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Zaragoza, Valencia, Alicante, Tarragona and Albacete.

Buy cheap tickets with Iryo

Iryo is the third largest railway operator in Spain, and its high-speed offering is just as cheap. In this case, to use its official application, an account registration is necessary. However, it is a process that takes just a few minutes.

From the official application we will be able to see the route calendar, see the train schedules, the date on which the ticket will be cheaper and, also, the possibility of changing the tickets, in case we need it. Iryo is the most recent train operator to arrive in Spain and, currently, its routes are to Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.

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