If you are going to spend many hours in front of the PC, you should know this

The fact of spending several hours sitting in front of a computer, whether to play or to work, has a series of dire long-term consequences for our health. Unfortunately it is an activity that millions of people do every day and we will all pay for this over time. Both in our well-being and in the face of public health, where problems will appear in our physical and mental health that our elders are not suffering from. That is why we have thought of a series of health tips who are you for many hours on the computer.

The use of a PC is something that we see as normal, but it must be taken into account that these do not even reach half a century of use in people’s daily lives. The problem is that its use has been mixed with people’s traditional habits, which have been inherited from our parents and this entails spending long hours sitting at the computer with unhealthy habits.

Health tips for long periods in front of the computer

The first and most important thing of all is to make sure that your work environment is ergonomically appropriate, this means have the monitor at the right height and distanceas well as know how to choose the chair in which we are sitting. It is also important the choice of our work desk. The fact of having an order in the work area does a lot in the face of stress and our mental health, which is something that is often overlooked.

Specifically and in the form of a summarized list, the advice we give you is the following:

  • Get up from the chair every so often to take short walksif necessary, go out to get some air, especially if you are very saturated.
  • Look for stretching exercises to do from time to time and be able to progressively eliminate the stiffness in your body.
  • Drink a lot of water, you need between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day. On the other hand, coffee can be good and bad at the same time, since, although it makes you feel fit, it also reduces the feeling of thirst.
  • Sign up to exercise after workWhether it’s at a gym, going out, walking the dog, or shopping for a treadmill or elliptical trainer. This will help you eliminate the tension and stress of work and not take it home.
  • Have breakfast or eat well, before going to work, there is nothing worse than going to work without the necessary energy. In case you’re hungry, bring a meal from home that is healthy like fruit, and try to avoid industrial pastries.
  • Don’t stop social activities, friends are a good way to release stress and frustrations. If you haven’t met anyone and you live in a city, you can shop around and why not, give you a reward from time to timethat you deserve it for your effort.

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