Insurance for IT Consulting: Why is it convenient for your company?

More and more companies are advising their clients on their digital transformation processes: studying their needs, proposing solutions, migrating infrastructures, accelerating new processes.

In all these activities, especially when there is a consulting service, the company that provides a service is responsible for it and, therefore, is exposed to possible claims in the event that throughout this process, something is not going as well as it should. And they are not so strange situations: errors when migrating data from an ERP, unexpected losses in the performance of a data center, hardware that fails when it should not, loss of documents…

To help these companies deal with possible losses, companies like Hiscox put in their hands tools such as their Civil Liability Insurance for IT Consulting, a guarantee that protects them against defamation, contract breaches, intellectual property violations, loss of documents , mistakes made in the development of an IT project… etc. so that any company that provides technological services shields itself from situations that can put its business at risk, sometimes so seriously that it can cause its closure.

The added value of RC TIC insurance

When a dispute begins for product damage, contractual breaches or professional error, the negative consequences are many. Loss of time and distractions for the team involved, financial losses, moral damage to professionals, and even, in the most serious cases, reputational damage to the company. For all these reasons, having a service that covers our backs is an unbeatable value.

In this sense, Hiscox offers a dedicated team of specialists that can get started in any claim or legal situation that requires it. Hiscox insurance is specially designed to cover all types of companies that advise on technology, help implement or develop software solutions, regardless of their size or specific needs. From consultants, developers, Internet service providers or software and hardware vendors, among others.

Hiscox’s philosophy is to promptly and actively manage out of court all cases, wherever possible. With this, both the costs of the claim itself and the commercial cost for the business are minimized, which adds fundamental value for the technology partner.

Thus, IT consultants, developers or software vendors can opt for the value of this protection to attend to what matters most to them: their business and clients.

More information | Professional RC insurance for IT consultancy

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