Is it worth paying for IObit Driver Booster Pro?

When working with our Windows-based computer or any other operating system, there are certain somewhat more hidden software components of extreme importance. This is the case of the mandatory drivers or controllers for the correct functioning of the PC. The maintenance of these elements can be done manually, or using third-party programs such as IObit Driver Booster.

Practically all operating systems have a multitude of software components running in the background that guarantee their reliability. Apart from the applications that we ourselves download, install and run on the system, many other components make our life much easier with the computer. This is the case of the aforementioned controllers or existing drivers that we cannot ignore in any case. For those of you who don’t know, this software is in charge of make the installed hardware able to communicate with the operating system.

If these drivers do not work correctly or simply do not exist, certain hardware elements of the computer will not work or will work poorly. Furthermore, it is very important here updates of these drivers. Its top managers send us through this method the latest available functions and improvements for our installed components. This is something that we can do manually, but as we mentioned, programs like IObit Driver Booster can help us.

This developer offers us a free version of your software, in addition to another paid Pro. Therefore, in these lines we are going to help you find out if it is worth paying for that most advanced and complete version of the program. The differences between both modalities is significant, but perhaps not enough to make an economic outlay.

Differences between Free and Pro version of IObit Driver Booster

If we focus on the free version of the IObit Driver Booster application, we will say that it is responsible for automatically updating the drivers on our computer. In the same way, it helps us to have drivers that pass the WHQL test or Microsoft’s Windows Hardware Quality Labs. Therefore, we could say that the application meets the objectives we seek to keep our drivers updated.

But for those who want to go a step further in this regard, they have the Pro version for which we will have to pay a annual subscription. However, and how could it be otherwise, in this case we find some additional functions that we describe below.

  • Update drivers without internet connection.
  • A more complete database is available with rarest drivers and obsolete.
  • unlocking the speed limit when we perform update tasks.
  • We can create a automatic backup of multiple versions of drivers.
  • Automatic download function when the operating system is idle.

Once we take a look at all these additional functions that IObit Driver Booster Pro offers us, the truth is that in most cases it is not worth paying for the annual subscription. The reason for this is that additional features are added that we can perfectly do without and that are used in certain specific circumstances. The main function of the application is already fulfilled by the free version, so we can settle for it.

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