Is Two-Factor Authentication Not So Secure Anymore? This is happening

Two-step authentication or 2FA is considered an important security barrier to protect accounts. To prevent intruders from social networks, mail or any platform, what we do is use passwords. But multi-factor authentication allows you to add one more step to be able to enter, which can be, for example, a code that comes to us by SMS. Now, hackers can find methods to attack. Because they can break 2fa?

2FA can be attacked

We can say that the idea of two-step authentication is to serve as extra protection for passwords. In case there is a problem with both, our account would be exposed. And hackers know that, so they are looking for new techniques to get past this barrier and break into an account without permission.

How do they do it? One technique cybercriminals use to bypass two-factor authentication is to use what is known as AITM. In Spanish we can translate it as adversary in the middle and it is a Phishing attack that can affect, for example, Gmail email. What the attacker basically does is combine a Phishing attack with a proxy between the victim and the website where they log in. In this way it is able to steal the session cookie, in addition to the password, and it will not ask you for two-factor authentication again.

Note that this is not really a 2FA vulnerability, as the attackers do not crack it, but rather circumvent it by stealing the cookies and using the account as if they were actually the legitimate user. What does this tell us? Although multi-factor authentication is a really good option to protect accounts, there is always a chance to exploit it and hackers have their chance.

Another technique is also intercept a 2FA code via SMS. Attackers can use social engineering to trick you into stealing that code. For example, they can pose as a legitimate company and ask for that code.

Of course the malware is also present. They can sneak in malicious software that steals those codes and sends them to a server controlled by the attacker. In this way they could gain control of the account without the victim knowing.

What to do to avoid problems

Although two-step authentication can be exploited, as you have seen, that doesn’t mean i’m insecure. In fact, we recommend enabling it whenever possible on social networks, email accounts and any other compatible platform that has this option available as security. But you must take measures to avoid problems.

One of those measures is avoid making mistakes. You should never give the 2FA codes to anyone, even if it is through a call from your bank, an email, etc. No one is ever going to ask you for that information. Therefore, common sense is essential to ensure that your accounts are protected.

Another security measure is to have a good antivirus. As you have seen, the use of malware is another option that cybercriminals have to break the security measure of two-factor authentication. Using security software will allow us to detect possible malware that may affect us.

Also, whenever possible you can use alternatives to receiving a code by SMS. In this way you will further reduce the probability that your codes will be stolen. Alternatives exist in the form of two-factor authentication apps. This will allow verification of identity.

In short, as you can see, two-step authentication or 2FA is a very interesting method to protect accounts, but keep in mind that hackers can use some techniques to get around this barrier. It is important to always be protected and not make mistakes.

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