League of Legends: Update 12.7 summary

League of Legends is constantly updated by Riot Games to strengthen or weaken champions, items and even runes so that matches don’t get unbalanced, or at least that’s the intention. With the MSI getting closer and closer, Riot Games wants to change the meta of lolzinho a little bit.

The list of changes is longer than last time, with buffs being more present than nerfs. Next, check out what were the main changes in League of Legends in patch 12.7!

Champion buffs, nerfs, and tweaks

Unlike what has been seen in the last few updates, the League of Legends buffs from patch 12.7 do not target a specific class. See what has changed:

  • Gangplank – Passive damage increased and “W” mana cost decreased;
  • Gwen – E buff and “R” cooldown decreased;
  • Kalista – increased mana, movement speed, and attack speed growth;
  • Karthus = “Q” damage against monsters increased;
  • Lillia – increased passive healing against champions and increased “W” damage;
  • Neeko – increased damage from the “W” passive. The additional movement speed of the “W” passive has also been increased;
  • Pantheon – increased “Q” range and width, “E” no longer slows walking backwards and accelerated “R” landing;
  • Wukong – “Q” cooldown decreased, “W” had a decreased cooldown and now goes through walls and increased “E” magic damage;
  • Yasuo – base health increased and ultimate cooldown decreased;
  • Yone – lowered ultimate cooldown.

In turn, nerfs have been applied to champions who are strongest in the competitive landscape. These are:

  • Jayce – Decreased base health and armor stats. “Growth” of the same underwent a small increase to balance;
  • Lee Sin – base damage and “Q” damage decreased;
  • Ryze – Damage from “Q” increased to “Ability Power”, while “Damage from Additional Mana” was reduced;
  • Zeri – Changes made to all abilities, with the exception of the passive, to better balance the “bruiser” and “crit” builds.

The only champion that underwent adjustments in this patch was Rengar, who had reduced damage against “Q” structures and a “W” buff against monsters.

Changes to items and runes

In League of Legends patch 12.7, only 5 items underwent changes. Check out:

  • Abyssal Mask – increased “mash magic resistance reduction”, which will cause champions using the item to deal more damage;
  • Gale Force – “Active” cooldown increased;
  • Moonstone Regenerator – amount of healing and shield per stack decreased;
  • Shadow Glaive – Reduced price and cooldown of “Blackout”.

In turn, only one rune underwent changes. “Time Warp Tonic” now grants less “immediate health and mana restoration” and less “additional movement speed”.

skins and chromas

League of Legends update 12.4 arrives with 5 skins for Ahri, Hecarim, Ryze, Xayah and Rakan, with the theme being “Arcana”. Check out the gallery:

Each skin released in the patch also comes with its own chroma. Check it out:

More changes in League of Legends

As with the last patch, Riot Games continued the rework of “Mythic Content” and made other bug fixes in League of Legends. The complete list of what has changed can be found at game’s official website.

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