make an appointment for any query

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began to the present date, which we have not yet fully overcome, the truth is that certain official procedures have been greatly delayed. Whereas before we could access our offices, for example, the INEM, whenever we needed it, now things are more complicated. Likewise, this is something that is extended when requesting an appointment and renewing our strike or other queries.

Due to this that we have just commented on regarding many official bodies that we used to go to without problems, various online platforms have been opened. These try to help us when carrying out these official procedures from the comfort of our armchair and without having to leave home. For example, this is the case that we mentioned before and that is directly related to the unemployment renewal at INEM.

Well, then, we are going to talk about how to make an appointment online from your home. Among the many advantages that this is going to offer us, we are going to avoid the long queues that we were used to.

At this point, it is worth knowing that, after requesting an appointment with the INEM, they will only see those whose name and ID matches that of the requested appointment. This is the document that is precisely requested to verify our identity in the process. In addition, it will also be useful in these cases, the Electronic IDa digital certificate or have Cl@ve.

How to request an appointment at the INEM online

For all this that we are telling you about, the first thing we must do is open our favorite internet browser and access this official INEM website ( -due-to-unemployment/appointment-by-prior). Here we are going to meet the requirements that we are going to have to meet and we can start with the process of requesting an appointment. This is something we achieve just by clicking on the button Start request / Cancel appointment.

Here the first thing they are going to ask us is the postal code of our area to search for the nearest office. Next, on the screen that appears we will have to specify the type of procedure that we want to carry out, in this case the resumption of the unemployment benefit, and our DNI. As we told you before, this second datum serves as identification method for when we go to the office physically.

In the following screens that will appear we will be able to choose the INEM office that most interests us, as well as the date and time that best suits us from among those available. As you can imagine, all this procedure that we carry out comfortably from home will save us from waiting in line that we had to do in the past to book this appointment. In addition, we must take into account that from this page that we have mentioned we can carry out other procedures related to our unemployment. Obviously all these procedures related to the INEM can also be carried out comfortably through the internet with a process similar to the one described in these lines.

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