many users cannot access their passwords

This issue comes after they started asking clients to reset the two-factor authentication method last May. What they were looking for was to improve security, since they increased the number of password iterations, thus managing to strengthen the accounts. Basically, they made it more difficult for an intruder to steal the master password.

Many clients can’t access passwords

In it LastPass official forum, many users claim that they cannot access their passwords after resetting the multi-factor authentication method. They have found themselves in a dead end loop that they cannot get out of in order to log in normally and into their account.

Beyond not being able to enter, they also do not have the possibility of submitting tickets in the official supports. In order to do so, it is necessary to be registered and log in. But of course, the problem is that they cannot enter the account. This has led many to use social networks, such as Twitter, to give visibility to the problem.

From LastPass they indicate that you must log in to the page through a web browser to restore the security function of multifactor authentication. Resetting does not work with LastPass browser extensions or mobile apps on both iOS and Android.

Basically, the process is to log in to the platform, continue the process and then receive a six-digit security code in a linked email account. That code is essential for the process. You have to open the authenticator app, scan the QR code, log in and authenticate to the app.

So where is the problem? Apparently, LastPass sends a second email asking users to check that device and location. If they do not follow that link to verify it, it prevents them from logging in correctly and the problem begins. That is what could cause many to not have access to the account.

Improving security is key

It should be mentioned that LastPass already suffered a security breach last year. It was a major problem for what is one of the most important and widely used key managers. This has also been one of the reasons why the company has asked its users to restore the two-step authentication method.

keep safe It is always very important, but especially in services and applications that may be sensitive. A clear example is the password manager, but also others such as email, social networks and, in general, any platform where you share sensitive information or data.

As you can see, if you have LastPass it is possible that you have encountered the problem of logging in after having restored the two-factor authentication. Although I know something fundamental for security, it can be problematic if you haven’t done it correctly. There are different options that can be used to crack your passwords and it is always convenient to be protected.

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