Mom leaves her baby blind and brain damaged after locking him in her car to go play bingo

A woman’s gambling addiction caused leave your 14-month-old son in your car while she went to play bingo. The high temperature inside the unventilated car led to the baby named Easton to reach 40 degrees of temperature in his body that left him blind and brain damaged.

Kaija Millar The 34-year-old went to a pub for fun and bingo in Australia’s Victoria County. Upon arriving at the place, she decided to leave her baby in the car with windows up and no air conditioning, the room temperature marked 37.5 degrees centigrade. After five hours of playing, the mother went to check on her son and found him passed out with a blue-gray color on his body, according to information from the Daily Star.

According to the medical report, Easton suffered a renal insufficiency as a consequence of the high temperature that it presented when being inside the hot car. The damages he had were liver disorders, blindness and brain damage.

The baby’s mom begged they wouldn’t give her away

Upon finding the terrible scene of her son, Kaija’s first reaction was to ask the witnesses of the place to they will not tell her husband about what happenedIn addition, when the emergency services arrive to take care of the baby, his mom lied to ensure that she had left her son in the car but with the windows down, and attributed the accident to smoke from the surrounding forest fires.

He also claimed that he had the air conditioning on and that he checked it regularly; however, the city’s video surveillance cameras showed that it was not true.

“I did not do this deliberately. I did not do this to hurt my son ”; Mom said.

Easton must now face the consequences of his mother for what requires lifelong care when suffering problems for talk, move, eat and watch. Steve Millar, the child’s father declared to be devastated and heartbroken, “When I talk to him (the baby) you can see his mouth trying to move,” he said.

Kaija Millar pleaded guilty to negligence by leaving her baby in the car and faces a lawsuit whose sentence will be revealed at the end of November.

With information from Daily Star


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