Morbius against the three Spider-Man: that’s what Jared Leto wants

Though it hasn’t hit theaters yet, the film Morbius it has all the appearance of will have a second installment. just watching the hype that is being generated for this premiere, already gives an idea of ​​what Sony (in this case) has in its hands, which is nothing more than a small bouquet of Marvel characters that, thanks to the success of Disney, is gaining a value that is not they had until recently. Specifically, until Spider-Man showed up at the MCU.

Jared Leto and his wish

And of course, seeing the expectation that has raised Morbiuswhich will hit theaters on April 1, its protagonist has not wanted to stop reminding the producers that the same has interesting ideas to bring to the big screen ahead of that second part. And do you know what happened to the actor who played the Joker in suicide squad? Well, neither more nor less than asking the three Spider-Man from No Way Home that appear in their domains.

Everything comes to mind for an interview with the actor, in which they came to ask him that, in case Spider-Man appeared in the second installment of MorbiusWhich of the three would you prefer? And the answer was clear: “Well, I’ll tell you something, I love you all, my friend, I love you all«. So the one from Louisiana would have no problem dealing with all three at the same time, something that doesn’t seem too feasible (arguably) seeing how things are with the Multiverse.

A favorite Spider-Man

In any case, already in the second part of the response, Jared Leto wanted to be more precise about his choice of a possible Spider-Man for the second installment: “I’m not afraid, but I must say that there is something in the fact that Tom Holland’s Spider-Man and Morbius star in a new chapter […] which suits me quite well. And I’d love to see them get in the ring with each other, to these two characters. And it is that according to the interpreter «Tom [Holland] simply […] he did a phenomenal job. And he’s a great actor and he brings a lot of energy and humor to the role and that’s great.”

Morbius, as you probably already know, belongs to that bunch of characters that Sony Pictures got from Marvel a few years ago to take them exclusively to theater screens, in such a way that in recent times they have gained special weight after the success of Marvel Disney Studios. Spider-Man, Venom or now Morbius, have been the standard-bearers of that Sony cinematographic universe that seems to be brewing and that could trigger a crossover of heroes and villains like the one that Jared Leto ventures to imagine.

It is true that part of that impulse has been taken thanks to the work of the famous UCM, but it is no less true that the popularity of the characters that Sony Pictures has greatly helps that possibility of expanding its own film saga. Especially if at certain moments, from Marvel itself, are willing to actively collaborate for introducing those heroes into their various story lines.

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