Neeva, the paid web search engine, arrives in Spain

It’s been close to a year and a half since we first heard about Neeva, a unique offering that seems to be moving forward apace. As we already told you at that time, Neeva differs from the rest of the search engines in a really unusual aspect, since it is a paid service. Yes, in a market where both Google and all its competitors, primarily Microsoft with Bing, are free and ad-supported, this service is meant to be an alternative.

Its creators, former Google employees, define their proposal with a phrase that makes it quite clear: “Search without corporate influence.”. They want to take advertising out of the equation, so that all the results that are shown to the user are those that deserve to be in the top positions, and not those that have paid to be in those prominent positions and thus gain attention. of users and, especially, of the most unwary, who access these entries without realizing that they are advertising.

If you are one of the people to whom Neeva’s proposal catches their attention, we have two good news for you. The first is that the service is already available in SpainIn other words, it already has a specific presence for our market. The second is that, in addition, you can try the service without having to pay a single euro, since has a free plan. With not a few limitations, yes, but free.

If you opt for a free account you will be able to perform unlimited searches with the service, searches that are always private and tracker-blocked. However, you will only have a maximum of fifty monthly searches without advertising insertions, while these will never be shown with paid accounts. Neeva also allows you to connect email, document, and calendar services to search them, but the private account will only allow you to connect to a single service, and you will also be limited in the number of devices on which you can set up and use your bill.

On the other hand, with the payment account these limitations disappear and, in addition, the subscription also includes a password manager and a VPN, which makes the proposal, as a whole, much more interesting. The price of the monthly subscription is 5.99 euros, but contracting it annually has a 30% discount, so the monthly fee is reduced to 4.17 euros, which, yes, you will have to satisfy with an annual payment, of 49.99 euros.

With the inclusion of the password manager and the VPN, it seems more likely that users can be encouraged to pay to use Neeva, otherwise, paying exclusively for a browser focused on privacy and without advertising, interesting as it may seem, is not seems to fit too much with current consumer criteria. With a pack as complete as this, however, we can find ourselves before an option with a possible commercial route.

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