Netflix prepares to end shared accounts: the first novelty arrives

Especially due to its enormous growth, the functions offered by its applicationsofficial ones tthey are also increasing. One of the main reasons for all this is to try to improve the user experience of its millions of customers. It must be taken into account that, as a general rule, these platforms that we are talking about are used both on desktop computers and on mobile devices. This means that its developers must adapt the corresponding applications to everyone’s needs.

We must also bear in mind that there are functions that create a little more controversy than others. For example, if we talk about Netflix, we can focus on everything related to account sharing. This is something that has been done for a long time, but those responsible for the streaming service now they don’t quite agree. In fact, they have been pointing towards certain measures for several months that will try to eliminate the possibility of sharing accounts outside the home.

As many of you will already know first-hand, for example, if we contract the subscription for four screens, we have the possibility of creating the same number of profiles. Initially these should be used within the same environment, for several members of the same family. However, many users around the globe use it to share expenses. Well, now it has just arrived and one of those new measures is being tested to promote the use of individual and non-shared accounts.

This is the new Netflix feature for your profile

Here we are talking about the new function called Profile Transfer or Transfer of profiles that the streaming video platform is currently testing. Its own name already lets us glimpse what the objective of this is. This is something that comes after the first official announcement of the subscription with advertising that the online service itself presented to us a few days ago.

Well, with this new function that we are commenting on, what is intended is facilitate the transition from a shared account to an individual one to promote the use of the latter. Specifically and thanks to Profile Transfer we will have the possibility of exporting all the data stored in the profile of a shared account, to an individual one. This is a feature that has initially been tested in some countries such as Chile, Costa Rica and Peru. But now the Netflix service communicates that the functionality is going to be extended to the rest of the regions.

Thus and through this functionality we could export the data stored in our profile of the shared account, to a new individual one. This includes items such as personalized recommendationsviewing history, my staff list, saved games or settings. All this will be transferred directly to the new account that we create in Netflix. To finish, we will tell you that when it arrives, the function will appear when we place the mouse pointer over our user icon.

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