NVIDIA has a monopoly on graphics cards, and the loser is you

If we look at the history of CPUs, the AMD Bulldozer meant the potential end of the company today led by Lisa Su and meant the possibility of their final goodbye, something that they have managed to reverse with their Zen architectures. However, on the subject of CPUs, Graphics cards continue to have problems and if Vega was a huge bust, the hope is that RDNA architectures would be competitive. And while they’ve landed big deals on video game consoles, the RX 7000 feels like it fell off the stairs onto the floor.

NVIDIA has a monopoly on graphics cards thanks to AMD

We are not saying it just to say it, we have been holding this opinion for a long time, which is not subjective, but we can support it with data. The campaign of the Radeon Technology Group has been none other than that of Zorrauvism, that is, convincing people that certain technologies that are a progress in graphics hardware are not necessary due to the fact that they either cannot or do not give them the wins to implement them on their graphics cards.

And all for what? Due to the fact of wanting to take away power in the market through excuses. So we have that in what has allowed NVIDIA RTX to dominate from AMD instead of trying to match or surpass it, they have decided to repeat the mantras through viral marketing and social media contamination that they are not necessary. The consequences on the image that the public has of AMD? Well, disastrous, since this strategy does not work.

And it does not do it because it is absurd, imagine a restaurant where they tell you that they do not give you fries on the menu with the excuse that they are caloric. At least give me that option on the menu, don’t try to convince me that I don’t need it by the fact that you are giving me to understand that you have something of worse value for me or you simply do not measure up in certain aspects.

data in hand

What are we based on? A few weeks ago, everyone raised their hands over their heads because of the RTX 4070 Ti’s specifications and its high price, social networks, internet forums and even news places made one thing very clear. This is NVIDIA theft that has to be punished somehow by the consumer. The problem? The so-called mental quota, which is how much people know about your brand.

In marketing there are two ways to promote a product, one talks about how great and powerful it is and another how good you will feel if you consume said product. Graphics cards and most PC hardware use the first type. However, AMD is incapable of making its hardware feel empowering to the average user. NVIDIA has managed to transcend, without any opposition to being the brand equivalent to graphics card thanks to the lack of serious opposition. The consequences?

  • In internet searches the RTX 4090 has been 7 times more popular than the RTX 7900 XTX.
  • NVIDIA currently holds 85% of the gaming graphics card market. Neither PlayStation nor Nintendo at any time in their history have had such overwhelming dominance over their rivals in the market.
  • THE RTX 4070 Ti has sold much more, despite justified criticism of it, than any of the RX 7000.

So there is undoubtedly a problem and it is already hurting us.

The consequences? Abusive consumer policies

NVIDIA’s monopoly on graphics cards is disastrous in that lack of pressure will end with technology stagnation and high prices. Exactly the same problem we had with Intel Core processors for several generations. When competition disappears there is no price or performance war and in the end the market leader rests on its laurels, the market stagnates, becomes boring and innovation dies.

For this reason we point to AMD as the culprit of the situation, its obligation in the market is to provide a viable alternative in each and every one of the aspects of a modern graphics card and under the different uses. It is the same if you play video games, if you use them to transcode video, for streaming over the internet, you are an AI specialist, etc. The problem is that AMD doesn’t measure up and where it doesn’t it comes to sell the motorcycle that this is not necessary for the user and as long as we are demanding with the Radeons NVIDIA will continue to win, it will continue to raise prices more and more and it will without anyone stopping you.

So it’s not about which brand is better, but that they stick together so that the ordinary user, not just me, stops to think about which graphics card to buy. If AMD has done it on processors, then it will be able to do it on graphics cards and this will force NVIDIA off its pedestal.

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