Overwatch 2: here is the infallible method to avoid headshots with Kiriko

This is the good tip of the day: players have discovered a technique to almost always avoid headshots on Kiriko. Better yet, it is particularly simple to set up, since all you have to do is look up. In this way, opponents will not be able to shoot you from the front and will have to move to the side. However, we expect Blizzard to quickly patch this little glitch.

Since the first launch of Overwatch, certain heroes have attracted much more favor than others. Indeed, the majority of them often prefer to turn to DPS characters, which will have the crucial role of killing enemies in a chain. However, tanks and healers are no less important on the battlefield. If you’ve never tested one of these classes, we bet that this little trick unearthed today will push you to play as Kiriko more often in Overwatch 2.

The supporting heroine might indeed be a lot more powerful than you think, according to recent player discovery. Thus, the latter is simply immune to headshots. Of course, this requires performing a little trick which, rest assured, is not rocket science. It simply takes lift your head at the time of firing. Once done, opponents will hardly be able to kill you with a headshot.

Here’s how to avoid headshots every time in Overwatch 2

As shown in the video below, when Kiriko raises her crosshairs up, headshots do no damage to her if the opponent is facing her. It is therefore necessary move a little to the side to finally touch her. Only, in a game like Overwatch 2 where the players are constantly on the move and where we are attacked from all sides, as much to say that this task is almost impossible.

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Nevertheless, it goes without saying that Kiriko is also completely useless in this position. She will indeed be unable to care for his companions who very often have their feet anchored to the ground. It will therefore be necessary to use this technique sparingly, rather than risk wasting your team’s time (and catching a torticollis). Finally, note that Blizzard will surely not let this glitch live for very long. We therefore advise you to take advantage of it before it is patched soon.

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