Payment in cash remains in 80% of Spanish businesses

80% of every ten business managers in Spain (81.7%) consider it very important maintain cash payment in their establishments. This allows them to include all consumers and, therefore, continue to include in their customer base those who do not use other means of payment, due to their own choice, age reasons or other circumstances. These are some of the data that emerge from the study carried out by Prosegur Cash, among more than 500 commercial establishments throughout Spain.

In recent times there has been a growing diversification of payment systems in the commercial fieldas a result of the advancement of new technologies and the appearance of new purchasing habits.

Among the group of establishments consulted, those of Castilla y León and the Valencian Community (with 100% in their answers in both cases), followed by those of Andalusia (96.7%), are those who have expressed practically the majority of the importance of cash to be able to provide a more inclusive service, which encompasses all customers. As for the sectors, those that have expressed the most favorable are the State Lotteries and Betting establishments (87.3%), food (87.1%) and pharmacies (83.1%).

On the other hand, 80.3% of Spanish businesses state that having the cash payment option has a positive impact for your business, since it avoids the loss of sales opportunities. This is an essential argument for 100% of businesses in the Balearic Islands, 96.8% in Castilla y León and 93.8% in Extremadura. For their part, State Lotteries and Gambling points of sale (88.7%) and pharmacies (85.9%) are the ones that most value the advantages that offering the possibility of paying in cash brings to their business.

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Cash maintains its leading role in coexistence with other means of payment

More than half of the businesses reaffirm the validity of the cash. Specifically, 56% of those responsible for commercial establishments in Spain maintain that consumers prefer this form of payment over other alternatives. Extremadura (84.4%), Castilla y León (83.9%) and Andalucía (80%) are the autonomous communities in which most establishments have confirmed their customers’ preference for paying in cash. According to sectors, establishments sale of Lotteries and State Bets (70.4%) and food stores (64.3%) are the ones that confirm this inclination on the part of the consumer.

In addition, 46.9% of businesses consider that paying in cash avoids the extra cost of commissions that alternative means of payment entail. Castilla y León and Andalucía are the autonomous communities in which a higher percentage of businesses maintain this statement (87.1% and 80%, respectively).

In any case, for businesses, the convenience of paying in cash is fully compatible with the use of other systems, showing a positive predisposition towards their use. Only one in three establishments (29.2%) says they distrust the use of digital means of payment.

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