During the afternoon of yesterday they unexpectedly launched a new version of the operating system for the Apple Watch. In this case it is the watchOS version 7.6.1 and in it some security problems detected in the previous version were corrected. These types of sudden updates are not common in Apple but when they are necessary to correct or solve a security issue, they are launched without any problem.

The previous update arrived a few days ago and it seems that have found a major security issue so I decided to launch this new version that fixes the problem. From the company itself and we ourselves recommend that you install this new version on your watch as soon as possible to avoid security problems.

The notes of this new version only add a comment regarding what it contains and this one speaks of a security update so do not expect that there will be changes beyond this. Possibly a minor problem but in any case as we say it is important to update to the latest version available to be protected.

As we always remember to be able to install these new versions of watchOS it is necessary to have a 50% battery in the Apple Watch and that it is connected to the charger, it is also necessary that the iPhone with which it is linked is nearby and connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the device.