requirements and how to apply online

Last year the Youth Cultural Voucher was launched, a voucher focused on young people who, over the past year, turned 18, that is, all young people who were born in 2004 and which offers 400 euros for young people can acquire and enjoy cultural products and activities.

A few days ago, this voucher was renewed for 2023, a voucher that does not distinguish from family income, being the only requirement to apply for it to turn 18 in 2023.

What can I do with him

The 400 euros that are part of the Youth Cultural Voucher 2023 cannot be spent only in a single category of the three that are contemplated, but rather, depending on what type of product or item we want to acquire with this voucher, we have a established maximum limit that we cannot overcome.

  • If our intention is to buy video gamebooks, magazines, CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays and any other type of publication in physical or digital format, we can invest a maximum of 100 euros.
  • The help of the Youth Cultural Bonus 2023 also allows the possibility of investing in digital goods such as monthly subscriptions (with a maximum of 4 monthly installments), books and audiobooks in electronic format, to video game platforms and online publications with a maximum of 100 euros.
  • We can allocate a maximum of 200 euros to go to concerts, going to the movies, visit museums and non-free exhibitions and all kinds of audiovisual and literary festivals. Unlike the previous cultural bonus, bullfighting has been included within this category. Sporting events are not included in this category.

what is it useless

Being a voucher intended to allow access to culture for the youngest, it is noteworthy that this voucher does not contemplate the possibility of investing that money in textbooks for educational centers or musical instruments, just as there is no option to use this money to buy software that is not considered a video game.

How to request the Youth Cultural Bonus 2023

The only requirement to be able to request this bonus is to turn 18 in 2023, it doesn’t matter if we have already fulfilled it or we still have a few months to go before being able to do so. Although it has already been approved, it cannot be officially applied for yet. When the term opens, we will have to use an electronic certificate or Cl@ve system through this website.

This bonus does not consist of a transfer that we receive in our account of 400 euros, but consists of a prepaid card, virtual or physical that we must use only in shops, companies and cultural entities adhered to this plan. In this way, before deciding that we want to invest this money, we must make sure that the business, entity or company is part of this program, since, otherwise, we will not be able to use the cultural bonus.

We have one year from when we are granted the bonus to be able to spend it. After the year, if we still have any money left, we will lose it. And, if we don’t have enough money in the bonus, we can pay a part with the bonus money and another part using any other payment method.

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