Resident Evil 4 Remake will have a free demo, we analyze its third trailer

Capcom has released the third trailer for one of the most anticipated games of the year, Resident Evil 4 Remake, and with this new video it has let us see other important scenes and confirm some key details. One of the most relevant is that Luis will have a greater rolealthough we still don’t know if he will end up losing his life in the same way as in the GameCube original.

The video also shows how terrifying the parasites will behighlights once again how careful the setting will be both outdoors and indoors, lets us see Osmund Saddler’s face in detail, collects moments in which Ashley loses her mind due to the infection, we can also see Krauser and even a nod to Cervantes’ Quixote.

The truth is that the trailer looks very good and confirms, like the previous ones, that Capcom has known keep the essence of the classic original Game Cube without having to give up the introduction of certain changes and improvements that go beyond the important graphic facelift. And speaking of the graphic level, there is no doubt that the RE Engine, the engine used in Resident Evil 4 Remake, looks great in this title.

What we see in the final part of the video catches my attention, just before the section dedicated to Resident Evil 4 Remake ends and the game is confirmed. game mode “Mercenaries”, which will arrive later as a completely free DLC. If you look closely, you will see that Capcom shows one of the sections of the laboratory for a few seconds, a map that is precisely where we first see one of the toughest and most feared enemies in the game, the regenerator.

I think that Capcom wanted to create expectation, and that the presentation of the regenerator has been saved for a fourth trailer that, by dates, could be the launch one, since Resident Evil 4 Remake will hit the market on March 24 of this year. The game will be available for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series SX, and PC. There will not be a version for Xbox One and Xbox One X, a real shame since users of both consoles will be left without one of the most important triple A of the year.

Video ends confirmed too a free demo. Capcom has used demos of this type in previous games, so it should come as no surprise, although these types of demos tend to be very limited in duration. The Resident Evil Village lasted only 60 minutes, to give you a recent example.

Before finishing I remind you that you are not going to need a very powerful PC to move this game, since Capcom confirmed the requirements for Resident Evil 4 Remake about a week ago and these they are very affordable, even at their recommended level.

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