We now have a new version of Safari Technology Preview available. We are already in version 157 of this acclaimed browser in eternal tests. Remember that this Safari is not the same one that we have installed on our devices, especially on the Mac, but rather it is a version intended for testing and that on many occasions suppose trial and error. That is why installing this Safari entails a series of risks that for the time being we leave it to professionals or those who want to try the new functions first but knowing what they are doing. Let’s see what this new version incorporates.

Apple has just released version 157 of the Safari Technology Preview for installation. A browser that was created with the idea of ​​putting into practice everything that was wanted to be incorporated as a novelty in the application. That is why we say that it is in a state of permanent beta and that is why we insist on saying that it should only be installed in those cases that are required and by those people who know what they are installing.

This new version does not bring any remarkable news. Actually, it is a version with nothing new and it brings us bug fixes and implementation of improvements over what already exists. The preview is available for macOS Monterey and macOS Ventura. No longer available for macOS Big Sur. Also note that shared tab groups and tab group synchronization, Website Settings, and Web Extensions are not enabled in this new version.

The improvements are extensive and you can find them, in their entirety, on the website that Apple expressly dedicates to this browser in case you want to take a more detailed look at them.