Scale-Up Program opens a new call for urban mobility startups

The research hub on the mobility of the future promoted by SEAT SA, Volkswagen Group Innovation and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech (UPC), LICENSE, has opened the call for the Scale-Up Program 2023, for entrepreneurs from all over Europe to present their innovative solutions in the field of urban mobility. It’s about a EIT funded program Urban Mobilityan initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.

The call will be open until May 7after which an evaluation phase will take place that will last until June 12, when the 12 selected startups will be revealed to become part of the program and receive, from then on, all the necessary support to ensure their international progression and achieve your business goals.

Through the Scale-Up Programme, the selected startups they will obtain mentoring and individualized business training by experts in the sector, as well as access to investors and potential clients to expand their projects and search for new markets, since the program gives them access to networking sessions with representatives of town halls and industry to explore carrying out pilots. Additionally, they are offered greater visibility through high-level international events such as Tomorrow.Mobility (Barcelona, ​​Spain), among others.

A program focused on improving urban mobility in a sustainable way

Scale-up Program is a scalability and acceleration program for startups with solutions focused on urban mobility led by CARNET and Developed in collaboration with European partners which is supported and funded by EIT Urban Mobility, focused on providing innovative solutions to accelerate the transition of mobility towards a truly multimodal, integrated and user-centred transport system.

The startups that are presented in this edition must be related, indicatively, with one of the following areas: Integrated mobility, Mobility infrastructures, Sustainable urban logistics, Pollution reduction, Mobility of the future, Inclusive mobility, Mobility and energy, Active mobility, Smart infrastructures, Creation of public spaces among others. It is therefore a focused cross-thematic program focused on improving mobility in all its areas.

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