Should you change your WiFi password? check it like this

When to change the Wi-Fi password

It is important to have a good Wi-Fi password and knowing when to change it is essential to avoid problems. It is not a good idea to have a weak key, which may have some vulnerability or not meet the proper requirements to avoid security problems.

Do you have the one that came from the factory?

One clear reason to change your Wi-Fi password is if you keep the factory default one. That’s a major mistake, since that access key can be vulnerable to attacks. An attacker could use tools and apply knowledge from them to break into your wireless network if they know the exact model.

There are cases in which it is very easy to break a Wi-Fi key in older routers if they keep the default one. Therefore, our advice is that you change it if you keep the same one that came.

Do you think there are or have been intruders

Of course, if you have the slightest suspicion that there may have been intruders on your Wi-Fi network, is an obvious reason to change the key. For example, if you have looked at the connected computers and you have seen a strange one and you suspect that it may be an attacker or if you previously provided the password and you doubt whether they may be connecting.

In these cases it is important that you take action as soon as possible to change the access code to the Wi-Fi network and thus avoid problems that could compromise the security of your connected devices.

You haven’t changed it for a long time

Have you spent time without changing the Wi-Fi password? To maximize security, the ideal is change keys access from time to time. In this way you can avoid problems if it has been filtered by mistake, there is a vulnerability or they are simply trying to access it through brute force.

Therefore, our advice is that you do not have the same password for a long time. It does not mean that this password cannot continue to be secure, but to have the maximum security possible, it should be changed.

You use a weak password

This point is important. It is very important that you have a password that is reliable and comply with security requirements. You should never be using a key that contains your name, date of birth, or phone number, for example. An attacker could use that information and use different combinations until they hit the right one.

A strong password must be completely random, contain letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and other special symbols. Do not use it anywhere else and it is also important that it has an adequate length. Each additional letter or number will make it much more secure.

In short, as you can see, there are certain reasons to change the Wi-Fi password. You can even use a different key for each Wi-Fi band. You certainly should not be using a key that is weak, as it could affect the performance of the connection.

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