Social benefits: which are the most attractive for companies?

we return with a new installment of the MuyPymes Documents, this time, with a very complete guide on the main social benefits that companies can give their employees. This type of policy has what is called the Boomerangsince it not only brings advantages to the workforce but also comes in handy for the business.

Anything to facilitate conciliation and life to the workeron the part of your company, will become commitment and desire, which are the basis for adopting the corporate culture and a high degree of loyalty. Nursery Check, Restaurant Ticket or Transportation Check they are the favorites for employee and employer, in addition to being useful they have tax benefits.

Social benefits are non-monetary remuneration or special services in advantageous conditions that workers receive from the company, regardless of their salary, for the performance of their duties.

The objective One of them is to improve employee satisfaction and quality of life by covering some of their needs. However, these types of benefits can in no case involve salary improvements or similar remuneration. With these initiatives, organizations improve your image and increase productivity of your team, while increasing their motivation and commitment to the company.

It must be borne in mind that social benefits are taxed to Social Security and that, in addition, they represent significant savings for the worker, since they are exempt from personal income tax.

The employee, always at the center

Unlike what happened not too long ago, the well-being of employees has become a fundamental axis in the strategy of companies. Workers include benefits such as conciliation, stress reduction and the enjoyment of free time on their list of priorities.

If an organization wants to be competitive must, necessarily, bet on these issues so as not to be left behind. Flexible teleworking systems have become a lever for attracting talent, especially in technological jobs. In this context, social benefits play a determining role since the evolution of the company involves more than just selecting a worker, hiring him and paying him a salary each month.

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