Software engineer: certifications, salary and everything you need

Studies to be a software engineer

exist different races with which you can acquire a foundation to become a software engineer and develop applications. The first option is software engineering proper. It is a career that allows you to learn to develop, design and manage any type of computer software. You will be able to specialize in different areas and programming languages.

Computer engineering is another career you can study to become a software developer. There are different branches, such as computer systems, software, management or hardware engineering. You will also be able to acquire the essential knowledge to develop software and later specialize in something specific, such as developing mobile applications. Other degrees like telecommunications engineering are also valid.

About training cyclesYou also have multiple options. Here you can find more specialization, since there are training cycles for the development of multiplatform applications, mobile applications, video games, etc. There are several options that can help you get a foundation and become a software developer.

You can also become a software engineer and acquire a certain specialization by completing a master’s degree. There are options such as master’s degrees in software, software development and architecture, etc.


Beyond the studies you have, whether you have been trained as a software engineer through one or another university career, there are multiple certificates that you can get In fact, in this type of job it is essential to be up-to-date, learn new programming languages ​​and be adapted to the changes that may appear.

Some that we can mention are AWS from Amazon, CISA, CSSLP or MTA from Microsoft. There are specific certifications also related to security, such as CEH (Certificate of Ethical Hacking) that are highly valued by many companies to hire software developers. Read more about how to hire javascript developer.


How much does a software engineer get paid? As with almost any job, there will be differences depending on the years of experience, the tasks required, and the skills of the worker. However, we can get a rough idea of ​​what is the average salary that he can get.

As we see on the page specialized in salaries, Glassdoor, the salary is between €20,000 and €50,000 per year. Nevertheless, the average is around €32,000 annual. If we analyze some specific offers, such as software engineer for Indra or atSistemas, we can see salaries of €26,503 and €32,962 per year, respectively.

Major programming languages

there are many programming languages And it is also something that is constantly changing. For this reason, it is important to know which are the main ones at the moment and in this way to specialize in them. Some are required by more specific companies, while others are more generic.

One of the most important and demanded languages ​​is javascript. It is to be hoped that in the coming years it will continue to be one of the most used and for this reason it has to be on this list yes or yes. It is a language that is present in some of the most used web browsers, for example.

Undoubtedly python is also in high demand. In fact, in recent years it has grown a lot and more and more software engineers are specializing in it. It is widely used in data analysis, applications or in what is known as the Internet of Things, something that is increasingly present.

Others in high demand are Java Y C++. The first one is very important in the development of Android applications. It is used by millions of devices around the world and also in video games or on web pages. Therefore, if you want to be a software engineer specialized in the best, Java cannot be missing.

C++ is targeted at Microsoft and Windows. It is also widely used to develop programs and is used in the cloud or games. It is another language that is always in high demand by companies that want to hire software developers.

Other important programming languages ​​are the following:

  • PHP
  • C
  • Arduino
  • matlab
  • R
  • SQL
  • CSS
  • Node.js


What are the functions of a software engineer? We are going to see the main tasks that are part of these jobs. This way you can get an idea in case you start studying to develop software.

Create software projects

One of the main functions of a software engineer is create projects. To start this project it is necessary that they know the clients well and the needs they require. If, for example, it is an application for a certain company, it is essential to know what it is going to be used for and what the objectives are.

From there, draw a line of work to follow. Software engineers generally work in teams. Each of the members can take charge of a certain function. Here you also have to take into account the project times and the cost that it will have.


A mission of software engineers is to test the applications and tools that are being created. In this way they can detect possible failures, introduce improvements or adapt to different changes that the client wants to make once the software development has begun.

This last point is important, as there is often direct communication between developers and clients. This way they will be able to exchange opinions and see how the project is progressing in order to adapt to any changes.


They will also have to analyze programs that are being created. In this case, it is about correcting those problems that have arisen when they have been tested. They have to see what could have happened so that it does not work and how to get that task or service to be carried out correctly.

Software analysis is also essential to detect vulnerabilities. These failures not only mean that they can cause operational problems, but also present security complications and must be corrected as soon as possible.

Control work teams

Another function is that of control and maintain work teams. Carry out routine tasks in order to see what improvements are needed, what bugs need to be fixed, etc. In this case, it mainly affects companies and organizations that have complex systems with many applications.

The software engineers will be in charge of providing solutions to these work teams so that they can carry out their tasks normally. For this, they must have extensive knowledge in that type of systems where they work.

Ultimately, this is the main thing related to software engineers. We have seen what you need to study, what are some of the most important certifications, as well as the programming languages ​​and the main functions when working.

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