
Squad Busters: Supercell’s Next Mobile Hit is Here to Hook You

The creators of Clash Royale and Brawl Stars are back with a brand-new mobile experience, and it’s ready to get you hooked. Squad Busters is Supercell’s latest title, an action-packed brawler that brings together beloved characters from all your favorite Supercell games.


  • Squad Busters is Supercell’s newest mobile game, currently in limited testing.
  • It features a crossover of characters from popular Supercell titles like Clash Royale and Brawl Stars.
  • Diverse character abilities and game modes promise varied and addictive gameplay.
  • It’s likely to be free-to-play, with a strong focus on social features and potential esports scene.

Imagine stepping into an arena where the archer from Clash Royale teams up with Shelly from Brawl Stars to take down the Barbarian King. That’s the kind of crossover chaos Squad Busters is promising. This free-to-play mobile brawler mashes up characters and worlds from all across the Supercell universe.

Squad Busters
Squad Busters

Think of it as the ultimate Supercell fan experience: familiar faces, exciting new brawling styles, and that signature Supercell polish we all know and love.

Get hyped, because Squad Busters is poised to be the new obsession for players craving fast-paced action and a whole lot of chaotic fun.

What Makes Squad Busters Unique (The Hook!)

Okay, let’s be honest – we love Supercell games. Clash Royale, Brawl Stars… there’s just something addictive about the way they design these things. So, when they announced they were cramming their best characters into one giant battle arena? Well, let’s just say our interests were piqued.

Squad Busters Features
Squad Busters

Squad Busters isn’t just another brawler; it’s Supercell’s all-star championship, and it’s got the potential to seriously up your mobile gaming addiction. Here’s why:

  • Imagine This Roster: Picture this: the sneaky Archer from Clash Royale is blasting arrows from afar. Suddenly, El Primo from Brawl Stars charges in, fists flying! Oh, and Shelly is hanging back, shotgun at the ready to clean up the mess. That’s the kind of crossover chaos Squad Busters is promising.
  • Every Player Has a Favorite: Whether you’re into tanks, mages, healers, or just love launching rockets, there’s bound to be a familiar face in the Squad Busters roster that fits your playstyle. It’s like opening a toy box full of your all-time favorite action figures, and getting to smash them together in epic ways.
  • Feels Like Home, But Different: Sure, if you’ve played Supercell games before, Squad Busters will feel instantly comfortable. But don’t worry, it’s not just a rehash. These characters are bringing their A-game with new abilities and strategies, shaking up the usual formula. It’s like moving into a new house, but your favorite comfy couch is still there.
  • This Is Bigger Than Your Phone: Supercell is hinting at multiple game modes, teams, maybe even tournaments! Squad Busters isn’t designed as just a way to kill a few minutes on the bus, it’s got the potential to build a huge competitive scene and become your new obsession.
Squad Busters combinations
Squad Busters combinations

Speculations: Specific characters and their potential abilities

Let’s speculate on how some iconic Supercell characters might translate their familiar talents into Squad Busters’ unique brawler format:

  • P.E.K.K.A (Clash of Clans/Clash Royale): This armored menace is all about brute strength. In Squad Busters, expect slow movement but devastating melee attacks. Her ability could be a mini-rage boost, increasing damage and armor temporarily – perfect for smashing through the enemy frontline.
  • Shelly (Brawl Stars): The shotgun-wielding starter is a classic all-rounder. In Squad Busters, she’d likely focus on close-to-mid-range blasting. Her ability might be a powerful knockback blast, creating space for herself or shoving enemies right into danger.
  • The Barbarian King (Clash of Clans): This regal brute could be the ultimate support tank in Squad Busters. He might taunt enemies, drawing aggro away from squishier characters. His ability could be a temporary health boost that also affects nearby allies, turning him into a walking team buff.
  • Wizard (Clash of Clans/Clash Royale): Glass cannons are tricky in brawlers, but oh so satisfying. Expect the Wizard to dish out heavy ranged damage but have low health. His ability could conjure a temporary shield or blast a few fireballs in an area, offering some crowd control on top of pure firepower.
  • Mega Knight (Clash Royale): His signature leap-and-smash makes him an ideal ambusher in Squad Busters. He might focus on burst damage and getting in and out of fights quickly. His ability could be a chain-jump, hitting multiple targets or providing an escape route in a pinch.

Important Disclaimer: These are my own speculations based on their roles in other games. Supercell could take things in a totally different direction!

Squad Busters Play with friends
Squad Busters Play with friends

Features to Get Excited About

Alright, we know the characters are awesome, but what are we actually doing in Squad Busters? While everything’s still in development, here’s what’s got us buzzing:

  • Modes for Every Mood: Supercell’s hinting at a whole bunch of ways to play. Battle Royale seems like a given – imagine the chaos of dozens of clashing characters! – but we’re also expecting team deathmatch, objective-based modes… There’s going to be something for when you want quick matches or more coordinated play.
  • Competition Is Key: You know Supercell and esports go hand-in-hand. Squad Busters looks tailor-made for competitive action. Picture organized teams strategizing around character combos, rivalries between pro players, and maybe even tournaments with cash prizes. Even if you’re not a pro yourself, watching that high-level play is always a blast.
  • Your Squad, Your Way: We’re expecting the ability to progress and customize characters. Maybe it’s new abilities, maybe skins, or even stat boosts. This adds a whole new layer of strategy outside of the match itself.
  • Play Anywhere (Kind Of): Cross-platform play is the big promise – switching between your phone and tablet seamlessly, without losing progress. Honestly, this is a huge deal! Squad Busters could be that game you sneak in a few minutes of on your lunch break, then get serious about on the couch at home.
  • Did We Mention the Characters? C’mon, sometimes the best feature is the pure fun factor. Launching a Goblin Barrel into a brawl, then cleaning up with Colt’s revolvers? Pure Supercell chaos. It’s going to be ridiculously satisfying, especially as they add even more familiar faces over time.

Current Status and How to Get Your Hands on It

Bummer alert: Squad Busters isn’t quite ready for everyone to dive in just yet. Right now, it’s in something called “closed beta.”

Squad Busters current status
Squad Busters current status

That means a select few lucky players are testing it out, helping Supercell iron out the kinks before the big launch.

But hey, don’t despair! Here’s the lowdown on how to potentially score yourself a spot in this exclusive club:

  • Location, Location, Location: Right now, the beta is only happening in specific regions (Canada is one of them). Keep an eye out, because they might expand to more countries as testing continues.
  • The Official Channels: Your best bet is to follow Squad Busters on social media and check the official website ( They’ll post announcements about any sign-ups or expanded testing programs.
  • Be Patient (for now): Unfortunately, there’s no guaranteed way to get in ASAP. Supercell usually does things slowly and carefully with these betas.

The Upside

Look, waiting can be frustrating. But remember, this means Supercell is taking their time to make Squad Busters truly awesome.

Plus, the later you join, the more polished the game will be! In the meantime, get hyped by watching trailers, speculating about the character roster, and maybe even brushing up on your Brawl Stars skills to get a head start.

Why Supercell Fans Should Be Pumped

Look, if you’re hooked on games like Clash Royale or Brawl Stars, chances are Squad Busters is going to become your new obsession. Here’s why: Supercell isn’t some random game studio – these guys have a track record.

Their games are polished, insanely balanced, and get constant updates that keep things fresh. Squad Busters is set to be no exception!

Remember how much fun you’ve had with Clash Royale without paying a dime? Supercell typically gets the free-to-play model just right. You can be competitive without spending money, but you might be tempted by those cool character skins…

Squad Busters
Squad Busters

Besides, imagine teaming up with your Clash buddies and dominating Squad Busters arenas. Or joining a whole new Clan just for this game and climbing the leaderboards. Supercell is all about community, and you know Squad Busters will have that in spades.

It’s not just about the initial launch. Supercell games are in it for the long haul. Expect new characters, crazy game modes, balance updates, and probably even an esports scene down the line. This isn’t a game you’ll play for a week and forget about.

Let’s be honest, there’s something so cool about seeing your favorite characters from different games finally meet and battle it out! That alone is enough to get any Supercell fan’s heart racing.

Time to Get Hooked

Get ready, because Squad Busters is poised to be Supercell’s next big mobile hit. With its all-star character roster, zany combat, and the studio’s signature polish, it’s got all the ingredients to dominate your free time. Think of this as your official heads-up: this is the game to watch!

Keep those eyes peeled for updates, sign up for those betas if you can, and get those thumbs warmed up. Before you know it, you’ll be brawling alongside your favorite Supercell characters on your way to total Squad Busters domination!

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