Tech companies sweep brand value with Apple leading the way

Apple maintains the world’s first place in brand value, according to the Best Global Brands 2021 ranking published by Interbrand and which covers the period from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.

If there is no surprise in first place, neither is the fact that technology companies sweep in these types of listings occupying the top-5 in full and with a large presence in the top 100 on the Interbrand list.

Although not as objective as market capitalization, revenue, or earnings, these types of lists are relevant because brand equity is a very precious asset to which large companies dedicate enormous amounts of time and resources to consolidate and expand. Although a brand is much more than financial results, simply at practical levels a higher value allows you to charge a higher price for a product or achieve a greater volume of business or market share.

The Interbrand rating is built on three key components. The financial performance of the brand’s products and services; the role that the brand plays in influencing customer choice and purchasing decisions, and its strength in obtaining a premium or retaining customers.

Brand equity 2021: highlights

Apple tops the list with an estimated brand value of $ 408,251 million, after a 26% increase in value last year. Those of Cupertino are in unstoppable mode in any ranking and are fixed in any list of this type in the last decade. Amazon is in second place, displacing Google, as well as Microsoft. Samsung is also climbing strongly (+ 20%) to complete the top-5.

You have to go down to sixth place to find a non-tech company. Specifically to Coca-Cola, although the difference with Apple in brand value is eight times lower, nothing less. Toyota is the first in automotive, while Disney leads in entertainment.

The big rise in the list gets it Tesla ranked 14 after increasing its value by 184% percent, while a large company in the world such as Cisco is ranked 16. Two giants such as Intel and IBM are next, although with a drop in brand value.

The presence of technology is simply overwhelming, with Facebook, Instagram, Adobe, YouTube, SAP, Salesforce or Sony in the top-50 and a little lower others such as HP, Nintendo, Huawei, Canon, HPE, LinkedIn, Zoom or Panasonic. We end by highlighting the two Spanish that achieve presence in this prestigious ranking: Zara in position 45 and Santander in ’74.

Complete listing | Interbrand

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