Ted Lasso gave us a nice final nod to a mythical series and (perhaps) you didn’t even realize it

What a week of goodbyes we have. finished The wonderful Mrs. Maiselwe live the tense end of succession and we have also had to say a final goodbye to ted lasso. It is precisely about the latter that we have to talk about today, and it is that the nice production of Apple TV + has left us in one of its final scenes a great nod to a mythical series from the 80s. We are talking about neither more nor less than cheers.

Goodbye Ted Lasso, it was a pleasure.

They already warned us that the third would be the last season of ted lasso and everything seems to indicate that Apple will not back down. Well, the people of Cupertino or himself jason sudeikis, creator of the series and protagonist of it, who has said goodbye to his character forever. Some insist on asking for the return of the comedy even if by way of spin-off with Roy Kent or Rebecca herself, but at the moment they are nothing more than unfounded rumors without much weight.

What we can assure, as we pointed out, is that the magic that Ted himself gave us has left with his last episode, entitled “So Long, Farewell” (“Goodbye, goodbye” in Spain), so we will not return to see the great greyhound team sharing training and stories with the most peculiar manager in the Premier League.

It has been an entertaining walk and above all full of a lot of heart. ted lasso He never had high claims. she was a series that was launched during the pandemic -which helped it to be well received in countries where there were still many restrictions- and after that it became a small phenomenon to which many of us ended up surrendering. Simple jokes -some a little weak or that are only understood in Anglo-Saxon culture-, nice dialogues and predictable but at the same time tender morals that made you enjoy yourself for a while without making your life more complicated. It will be missed.

The nod to Cheers of the series

Ted Lasso has never hidden his love for the entertainment culture from the 80s and 90s in the US and on numerous occasions we have heard references to moments, characters or movies from that time in its chapters. Without going any further, as indicated in slashfilm, when Rebecca and Sam flirt anonymously through the app bantr, their nicknames are “Bossgirl” and “LDN52”, respectively, in a clear nod (somewhat far-fetched) to the film You have an email in which Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks flirted by chat under the pseudonyms of “Shopgirl” and “NY152”, respectively.

A easter egg The much more obvious Easter egg is the one we have seen in its last chapter. If you remember correctly, at the end of it, Mom, the owner of the English pub they always go to shows her customers that she, too, now has a stake in AFC Richmond. Immediately after, she looks towards the wall and realizes that the picture that she has of Geronimo – who was a prominent warlord of the Bendoke Apaches – is bent over and stretches out his arm to put it straight.

Perhaps that moment did not call your attention at all, but everything changes when you see this from the last scene of the series Cheers:

Now Mae’s gesture makes sense, in a clear allusion and nod to the last seconds that the famous American sitcom gave us.

And you, have you noticed?

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